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Name Merjem

Meaning:maybe bitternessTools:

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About the name Merjem in particular

Languages of use:Serbo-Croatian
US 2021 rank:not in the Top 1000; other popularity lists see below
Similarly written:Meriem, Meryem, Erdem, Kerem, Marjet, Meltem, Merel, Meret, Mergim, Merja     Details
Group info:

About Mary, the group of names with the same origin as Merjem

Meaning/translation:maybe bitterness
Language of origin:Hebrew
Info about origin:as the name of Mary, the mother of Jesus, a symbol for pure and deep love
 the meaning of the name is disputed; maybe it means bitterness
 another possibility is an Egyptian origin with the name derived from mry (beloved)
 Maria is the Greek/Latin original form, Mirjam the older Aramaic/Hebrew form
 probably the most often used Christian female name
Words:mirjam = the bitterness  Aramaic
 mry = the beloved  Egyptian
Topics:Old Testament
Variants' top ranks:1:Maria Germany 1998,  1:María Madrid 1998,  1:Marie Germany 2022,  1:Mary England+Wales 1914,  1:Marija Macedonia 2011,  1:Mariana Colombia 2011,  1:Mia Germany First 2015,  1:Maryam India 2020,  1:Mária Hungary 2014,  1:Mía Puerto Rico 2014
Somehow related to:Mariano/Mariana, Marielena, Marlene
Old/original forms:Maria Latin, Mariam Old Greek, Mariamne Hebrew, Mirjam Aramaic
Name variants:Maaike, Maï, Maija, Maika, Maike, Maiken, Máire, Mairi, Máirín, Majken, Maleah, Malia, Maliah, Mamie, Manca, Manja, Manon, Mara, Maraike, Marei, Mareika, Mareike, Mareile, Mari, Mari, Maria, María, Mária, Mariah, Mariam, Mariam, Mariam, Mariami, Marian, Mariana, Mariane, Marica, Marie, Marieke, Mariel, Mariela, Mariele, Mariell, Mariella, Marielle, Marietta, Mariette, Marija, Marijke, Marika, Marike, Marilyn, Mariola, Marion, Mariona, Marisa, Marishka, Mariska, Marissa, Marita, Maritta, Maritza, Mariya, Mariya, Mariyah, Mariyka, Marja, Marja, Marjatta, Marjet, Marusa, Marusha, Marushka, Mary, Marya, Maryam, Masa, Mascha, Masha, Maureen, May, Meeri, Meike, Meriem, Merjem, Mery, Meryem, Mhairi, Mia, Mía, Miah, Mie, Mieke, Mija, Mimi, Mimmi, Minnie, Miriam, Mirijam, Mirja, Mirjam, Miya, Moira, Mollie, Molly, Monja, Moyra, Myah, Myriam, Myrjam, Polly, Ria, Riana   Sortable list   Details

Popularity lists that contain the name Merjem

Bosnia and HerzegovinaGraph2022 12021 2,  2020 2,  2019 3,  2018 3,  2017 2,  2016 4,  2015 5,  2014 7,  2013 5,  2012 13,  2011 19,  2010 19