Description: | Most popular names for female newborns in the most populous Australian state of New South Wales 2003 |
Source: | NSW Registry of Births Deaths & Marriages |
Series: | Australia/NSW |
Following list: | 2004 |
Previous list: | 2002 |
Highest new entries: | Charlotte (new at 10), Elizabeth (new at 32), Jacinta (new at 62), Ava (new at 70), Ellie (new at 72) |
Largest rises: | Mia +62 (now at 11), Zoe +52 (now at 13), Amy +43 (now at 19), Eliza +36 (now at 58), Annabelle +33 (now at 52) |
Largest falls: | Tahlia -52 (now at 91), Bianca -47 (now at 99), Brooke -45 (now at 81), Alyssa -42 (now at 68), Ashley -39 (now at 84) |