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Name Matilda

Origin:From Old High German words for might, strength and fightTools:

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About the name Matilda in particular

Languages of use:English
Short forms:Tilda, Tilly
US 2021 rank:#465     ... 464:Alora, 465:Holly, 466:Matilda, 467:Sylvia, 468:Cameron ...     Full US 2021 list
Similarly written:Batilda, Mathilda, Matilde, Matylda, Batilde, Botilda, Mafalda, Maila, Malinda, Marida     Details
Group info:

About Mathilde, the group of names with the same origin as Matilda

Language of origin:Old High German
Words:maht = the might, the strength  Old High German
 hiltja = the fight  Old High German
Topics:Two-element name
Variants' top ranks:1:Mathilde Denmark 2004,  2:Matilde Portugal 2016,  4:Mette Denmark 2015,  4:Matthildur Iceland 2021,  6:Matilda Zurich 2014,  11:Maud Netherlands 2005,  15:Mathilda Düsseldorf 2022,  19:Tilda Sweden 2002,  26:Tilde Sweden 2003,  33:Matylda Warsaw 2013
Somehow related to:Mafalda
Name variants:Mathilda, Mathilde, Matilda, Matilde, Matthildur, Mattie, Matylda, Maud, Maude, Mechthild, Metta, Mette, Thilde, Tilda, Tilde, Tilly   Sortable list   Details

Popularity lists that contain the name Matilda

Australia/NSWGraph2022 82021 9,  2020 17,  2019 15,  2018 21,  2017 25,  2016 21,  2015 19,  2014 22,  2013 18,  2012 18,  2011 18,  2010 18,  2009 16,  2008 14,  2007 26,  2006 26,  2005 54,  2004 82,  2003 84
England+WalesGraph2022 29,  2021 28,  2020 29,  2019 30,  2018 31,  2017 27,  2016 252015 27,  2014 36,  2013 36,  2012 47,  2011 48,  2010 53,  2009 46,  2008 43,  2007 62,  2006 69,  2005 88
Ireland 2016 97
ScotlandGraph2022 87,  2021 121,  2020 100,  2019 85,  2018 772017 78,  2016 94,  2015 91,  2014 100,  2013 127,  2012 167,  2011 158,  2010 140,  2009 179,  2008 162
USA yearlyGraph2022 4142021 465,  2020 478,  2019 447,  2018 489,  2017 521,  2016 497,  2015 533,  2014 582,  2013 644,  2012 657,  2011 768,  2010 800,  2009 755,  2008 824
Complete List (21 in Total)   Sort by Rank   Sort by Year