Description: | Most popular names for female newborns in the most populous Australian state of New South Wales 2004 |
Source: | NSW Registry of Births Deaths & Marriages |
Series: | Australia/NSW |
Following list: | 2005 |
Previous list: | 2003 |
Highest new entries: | Phoebe (new at 40), Sienna (new at 52), Taylah (new at 60), Taylor (new at 68), Claire (new at 71) |
Largest rises: | Sophia +61 (now at 33), Tahlia +56 (now at 35), Imogen +56 (now at 42), Bianca +55 (now at 44), Alyssa +43 (now at 25) |
Largest falls: | Courtney -52 (now at 95), Alexandra -33 (now at 63), Madeline -30 (now at 87), Gemma -30 (now at 92), Annabelle -30 (now at 82) |