Description: | Most popular names for male newborns in the most populous Australian state of New South Wales 2004 |
Source: | NSW Registry of Births Deaths & Marriages |
Series: | Australia/NSW |
Following list: | 2005 |
Previous list: | 2003 |
Highest new entries: | Jesse (new at 57), David (new at 62), Ashton (new at 65), Brock (new at 69), Peter (new at 72) |
Largest rises: | Caleb +49 (now at 50), Aaron +46 (now at 48), Isaac +40 (now at 34), Aidan +36 (now at 55), Logan +36 (now at 53) |
Largest falls: | Timothy -37 (now at 99), Bradley -31 (now at 95), Kai -27 (now at 95), Kyle -26 (now at 74), Jonathan -24 (now at 76) |