Description: | Most popular names for male newborns in the most populous Australian state of New South Wales 2006 |
Source: | NSW Registry of Births Deaths & Marriages |
Series: | Australia/NSW |
Following list: | 2007 |
Previous list: | 2005 |
Highest new entries: | Sebastian (new at 53), Tony (new at 53), Brodie (new at 71), Jamie (new at 85), Tristan (new at 85) |
Largest rises: | Sean +30 (now at 68), Hamish +29 (now at 66), Lucas +27 (now at 24), Kai +27 (now at 64), Seth +23 (now at 63) |
Largest falls: | Ali -19 (now at 96), Aaron -19 (now at 80), Connor -17 (now at 45), Brayden -14 (now at 74), Ashton -14 (now at 82) |