Description: | Most popular names for male newborns in the most populous Australian state of New South Wales 2021 |
Source: | NSW Registry of Births Deaths & Marriages |
Series: | Australia/NSW |
Following list: | 2022 |
Previous list: | 2020 |
Highest new entries: | River (new at 70), Billy (new at 75), Roman (new at 84), Ezra (new at 87), Zayn (new at 93) |
Largest rises: | Leon +27 (now at 60), Felix +25 (now at 72), Kai +21 (now at 29), Beau +20 (now at 40), Elias +18 (now at 78) |
Largest falls: | Jaxon -25 (now at 95), Spencer -24 (now at 91), Charles -22 (now at 89), Owen -21 (now at 95), Isaiah -20 (now at 98) |