Description: | Most popular names for female newborns in the most populous Australian state of New South Wales 2017 |
Source: | NSW Registry of Births Deaths & Marriages |
Series: | Australia/NSW |
Following list: | 2018 |
Previous list: | 2016 |
Highest new entries: | Luna (new at 69), Elena (new at 81), Maryam (new at 85), Lillian (new at 86), Freya (new at 90) |
Largest rises: | Aurora +33 (now at 47), Florence +27 (now at 58), Phoebe +16 (now at 42), Aaliyah +16 (now at 65), Bonnie +16 (now at 80) |
Largest falls: | Jessica -26 (now at 96), Maddison -20 (now at 65), Rose -19 (now at 74), Victoria -16 (now at 95), Alyssa -15 (now at 91) |