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Name Aria


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Name info:

About the name Aria in particular

Languages of use:English
US 2021 rank:#22     ... 20:Scarlett, 21:Emily, 22:Aria, 23:Penelope, 24:Chloe ...     Full US 2021 list
Similarly written:Aria, Aría, Adria, Adrià, Alia, Amia, Ania, Arda, Arda, Ari     Details
Group info:

About Aria, the group of names with the same origin as Aria

Language of origin:Italian
Info about origin:use of the word for a vocal solo in an opera as a given name, since the 20th century
 the word aria is Italian and has a literal meaning of air
Words:the aria  English
 aria = the air  Italian
 aer = the air  Latin
Variants' top ranks:3:Aria Albania 2019,  34:Aría Iceland 2018,  346:Ariyah USA 2021,  517:Ariya USA 2019
Name variants:Aria, Aría, Ariya, Ariyah   Sortable list   Details

Popularity lists that contain the name Aria

Albania 2019 3
AustraliaGraph2022 26,  2021 28,  2020 25,  2019 24
Australia/NSWGraph2022 23,  2021 26,  2020 28,  2019 24,  2018 222017 23,  2016 32,  2015 34,  2014 41,  2013 66,  2012 85
CanadaGraph2022 26,  2021 23
Canada/British ColumbiaGraph2022 21,  2021 25,  2020 37,  2019 20,  2018 24,  2017 17,  2016 20,  2015 13,  2014 132013 18,  2012 44,  2011 95
England+WalesGraph2022 312021 37,  2020 39,  2019 42,  2018 42,  2017 47,  2016 67,  2015 100
France 2022 92
IrelandGraph2022 65,  2021 82,  2020 73,  2019 65,  2018 602017 81,  2016 97
Jamaica 2021 7
New ZealandGraph2022 23,  2021 23,  2020 19,  2019 23,  2018 112017 20,  2016 19,  2015 22,  2014 25,  2013 24,  2012 37,  2011 66,  2010 79,  2009 92,  2008 65
NorwayGraph2022 100,  2021 792020 89,  2019 85,  2018 95,  2017 86,  2016 114,  2015 102,  2014 150
ScotlandGraph2022 14,  2021 15,  2020 19,  2019 15,  2018 92017 10,  2016 12,  2015 25,  2014 59,  2013 91,  2012 167
Switzerland/GermanGraph2022 113,  2021 972020 131,  2019 149,  2018 188
USA decades 2010-2019 36
USA yearlyGraph2022 23,  2021 22,  2020 26,  2019 20,  2018 192017 20,  2016 23,  2015 29,  2014 31,  2013 40,  2012 91,  2011 157,  2010 356,  2009 511,  2008 571,  2007 566,  2006 651,  2005 712,  2004 683,  2003 660,  2002 736,  2001 745,  2000 957
Complete List (16 in Total)   Sort by Rank   Sort by Year