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Name Nikolas

Meaning:victory of the peopleTools:

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About the name Nikolas in particular

Languages of use:German
US 2021 rank:#587     ... 585:Benson, 586:Huxley, 587:Nikolas, 588:Zain, 589:Kohen ...     Full US 2021 list
Similarly written:Nickolas, Nicolas, Nicolás, Niklas, Nikola, Nikola, Nikolai, Nikolaj, Nikólaos, Nikolasz     Details
Group info:

About Nicholas/Nicole, the group of names with the same origin as Nikolas

Meaning/translation:victory of the people
Language of origin:Old Greek
Info about origin, male:well known as the name of Saint Nicholas, Bishop of Myra (4th century AD)
 until now there were 5 popes named Nicholas
Words:nike = the victory  Old Greek
 laos = the people  Old Greek
Variants' top ranks:1:Nikola Belgrade 2006,  1:Nikoloz Georgia 2011,  2:Nicole Philippines 2009,  2:Nika Croatia 2023,  2:Nikol Bulgaria 2014,  2:Nikolaj Denmark 2001,  2:Nik Slovenia 2023,  3:Nicola England+Wales 1974,  3:Nico Switzerland/German 2009,  3:Nicolas France 1997
Somehow related to:Klaus
Name variants:Caline, Coletta, Colette, Nichola, Nichole, Nicki, Nicky, Nicol, Nicola, Nicole, Nicoleta, Nicoletta, Nicolette, Nicolina, Nicoline, Nika, Niki, Nikki, Nikol, Nikola, Nikole, Nikolett, Nikoletta, Nikolina, Nikoline, Claes, Colin, Collin, Klaas, Kolen, Kolja, Miklós, Mikolaj, Mikulás, Nic, Niccolò, Nicholas, Nick, Nicki, Nicklas, Nicklaus, Nickolas, Nicky, Niclas, Nico, Nicol, Nicola, Nicolaas, Nicolae, Nicolai, Nicolas, Nicolás, Nicolaus, Nicolay, Nicollò, Nicolo, Nicolò, Niek, Niels, Niilo, Nik, Niki, Nikko, Niklas, Niklaus, Niko, Nikola, Nikolai, Nikolaj, Nikólaos, Nikolas, Nikolasz, Nikolaus, Nikoloz, Nikos, Nils   Sortable list   Details

Popularity lists that contain the name Nikolas

NorwayGraph2019 1782011 198
USA decades 1990-1999 434
USA yearlyGraph2023 648,  2022 596,  2021 587,  2020 602,  2019 605,  2018 553,  2017 586,  2016 567,  2015 566,  2014 561,  2013 514,  2012 488,  2011 473,  2010 453,  2009 443,  2008 429,  2007 397,  2006 383,  2005 336,  2004 301,  2003 351,  2002 358,  2001 355,  2000 357,  1999 319,  1998 2841997 352,  1996 393,  1995 461,  1994 451,  1993 458
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