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Name Niki

Meaning:victory of the peopleTools:

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Name info:

About the name Niki in particular

Languages of use:German
Is diminutive of:Nicole
Topics:Male and female
US 2021 rank:not in the Top 1000; other popularity lists see below
Similarly written:Niki, Kiki, Nicki, Nicki, Nik, Nika, Nike, Nikki, Niko, Nivi     Details
Group info:

About Nicholas/Nicole, the group of names with the same origin as Niki

Meaning/translation:victory of the people
Language of origin:Old Greek
Info about origin, male:well known as the name of Saint Nicholas, Bishop of Myra (4th century AD)
 until now there were 5 popes named Nicholas
Words:nike = the victory  Old Greek
 laos = the people  Old Greek
Variants' top ranks:1:Nikola Belgrade 2006,  1:Nikoloz Georgia 2011,  2:Nicole Philippines 2009,  2:Nika Croatia 2023,  2:Nikol Bulgaria 2014,  2:Nikolaj Denmark 2001,  2:Nik Slovenia 2023,  3:Nicola England+Wales 1974,  3:Nico Switzerland/German 2009,  3:Nicolas France 1997
Somehow related to:Klaus
Name variants:Caline, Coletta, Colette, Nichola, Nichole, Nicki, Nicky, Nicol, Nicola, Nicole, Nicoleta, Nicoletta, Nicolette, Nicolina, Nicoline, Nika, Niki, Nikki, Nikol, Nikola, Nikole, Nikolett, Nikoletta, Nikolina, Nikoline, Claes, Colin, Collin, Klaas, Kolen, Kolja, Miklós, Mikolaj, Mikulás, Nic, Niccolò, Nicholas, Nick, Nicki, Nicklas, Nicklaus, Nickolas, Nicky, Niclas, Nico, Nicol, Nicola, Nicolaas, Nicolae, Nicolai, Nicolas, Nicolás, Nicolaus, Nicolay, Nicollò, Nicolo, Nicolò, Niek, Niels, Niilo, Nik, Niki, Nikko, Niklas, Niklaus, Niko, Nikola, Nikolai, Nikolaj, Nikólaos, Nikolas, Nikolasz, Nikolaus, Nikoloz, Nikos, Nils   Sortable list   Details

Popularity lists that contain the name Niki

USA yearly 1993 908