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Word the fight

Translations:agon = the fight, the contest  Old Greek
 badu = the fight, the battle  Germanic
 boru = the fight  Old Slavic
 gund = the fight  Old High German
 gunnr = the war, the fight  Old Norse
 gyth = the fight, the battle  Old English
 hadu = the fight, the battle  Old High German
 hathu = the fight, the battle  Old English
 hathus = the fight, the battle  Gothic
 hiltja = the fight  Old High German
 vig = the fight, the battle  Old Norse
 wela = the fight  Old High German
 wig = the fight, the battle, the war  Old High German
Somehow related to:to fight  English
 the fighter  English

Name Groups Related to All Translations of the fight

TranslationLanguageName Groups
agonOld GreekAgon
boruOld SlavicBorislaw, Borna, Borwin, Preben
gundOld High GermanAdelgunde, Friedegund, Gonzalo, Gudrun, Gunda, Gundelinde, Gundolf, Guntbert, Gunthard, Günther, Gunthilde, Guntram, Hildegunde, Kunigunde, Margund, Radegundis
gunnrOld NorseGun, Gunhild, Gunnlöd
gythOld EnglishEdith
haduOld High GermanAlfons/Alfonsa, Hadebrand, Hademar, Hatto, Hedwig
hathuOld EnglishVillads
hiltjaOld High GermanArnhild, Benilda, Berthild, Brunhilde, Burghild, Christhild, Diethild, Gerhild, Griselda, Gunthilde, Hidde, Hildburg, Hildebrand, Hildegard, Hildegunde, Hildemar, Hildrun, Hilger, Hiltrud, Irmhild, Ishilde, Klothilde, Kriemhild, Mathilde, Reinhild, Reinhilde, Romilda, Runhild, Schwanhilde, Sieghilde, Sunnhild, Thusnelda, Veerle
vigOld NorseThyra, Viggo/Vigga
welaOld High GermanWieland
wigOld High GermanGerwig, Hartwig, Hedwig, Heilwig, Herwig, Ludwig/Louise, Wibe/Wiebke, Wigand, Wigbert/Wigberta, Wigburg, Wighard, Wigmar, Winand