Description: | Most popular names for female newborns in the most populous Australian state of New South Wales 2013 |
Source: | NSW Registry of Births Deaths & Marriages |
Series: | Australia/NSW |
Following list: | 2014 |
Previous list: | 2012 |
Highest new entries: | Elsie (new at 79), Penelope (new at 81), Lillian (new at 84), Ariana (new at 90), Emilia (new at 90) |
Largest rises: | Lola +23 (now at 63), Imogen +21 (now at 34), Evelyn +20 (now at 44), Ellie +19 (now at 49), Aria +19 (now at 66) |
Largest falls: | Hayley -34 (now at 85), Rose -21 (now at 76), Gabriella -18 (now at 89), Holly -17 (now at 70), Jessica -16 (now at 40) |