Meaning: | the crowned | Tools: Add to favorites Generate: Twitter-able text SMS text Compare to: Behind the Name Search with: Wikipedia NNDB IMDb Google |
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Name info: About the name Steven in particular | Gender: | male |
Languages of use: | Dutch, English |
Short forms: | Steve |
US 2021 rank: | #235 ... 233:Nash, 234:Israel, 235:Steven, 236:Holden, 237:Rafael ... Full US 2021 list |
Similarly written: | Seven, Steen, Steeven, Steve, Deven, Estevan, Even, Keven, Lieven, Neven Details |
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Group info: About Steven/Stephanie, the group of names with the same origin as Steven | Meaning/translation, female: | the crowned |
Meaning/translation, male: | the crowned |
Language of origin: | Old Greek |
Info about origin, male: | known from Saint Stephen, the first martyr of the early Christian community |
| until now there were 3 popes with the name Stephanus |
Words: | stephanos = the crown Old Greek |
Topics: | New Testament, Popes |
Variants' top ranks: | 1:Stefanie Germany/West 1977, 2:Stefan Belgrade 2012, 2:István Hungary 2014, 3:Stephen England+Wales 1954, 4:Stjepan Croatia 2011, 4:Stefan Romania 2018, 5:Tapani Finland 2014, 6:Stephanie Switzerland 1987, 8:Stefania Romania 2013, 10:Stefán Iceland 2003 to 2007 |
Old/original forms: | Stephanos Old Greek, Stephanus Latin |
Name variants: | Estefani, Estefania, Estefanía, Estefany, Stefani, Stefania, Stefanie, Stefany, Steffi, Stefka, Stephanie, Stéphanie, Stephany, Stephi, Stevie, Estavan, Esteban, Estéban, Estevan, Estevão, Etienne, Étienne, István, Shtjefen, Steeven, Steevy, Stef, Stefaan, Stefan, Stefan, Stefán, Stéfane, Stefano, Stefanus, Steffen, Stepan, Stepán, Stephan, Stéphane, Stephen, Stephon, Steve, Steven, Stevie, Stiafen, Stjepan, Tapani Sortable list Details |
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Popularity: Popularity lists that contain the name Steven | Series | Graph | Rankings |
Australia/NSW | | 2001 93 |
Belgium prevalence | | 2013 51 |
England+Wales | Graph | 1999 92, 1998 88 |
France | Graph | 2002 98, 2001 76, 2000 66, 1999 66, 1998 49, 1997 49 |
Ireland | Graph | 2002 99, 2000 97, 1999 97 |
Scotland | Graph | 2016 198, 2015 151, 2014 145, 2013 146, 2012 140, 2011 116, 2010 109, 2009 110, 2008 102, 2006 83, 2005 73, 2004 66, 2003 62, 2002 61, 2001 58, 2000 58, 1999 43, 1998 43 |
USA decades | Graph | 2010-2019 145, 2000-2009 79, 1990-1999 34, 1980-1989 24, 1970-1979 19, 1960-1969 11 |
USA prevalence | | 1990 18 |
USA yearly | Graph | 2022 257, 2021 235, 2020 224, 2019 200, 2018 198, 2017 182, 2016 167, 2015 154, 2014 144, 2013 136, 2012 112, 2011 124, 2010 118, 2009 106, 2008 104, 2007 97, 2006 90, 2005 83, 2004 78, 2003 70, 2002 68, 2001 63, 2000 54, 1999 47, 1998 46, 1997 40, 1996 38, 1995 37, 1994 34, 1993 31 |
Complete List (11 in Total) Sort by Rank Sort by Year |
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