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Name Estevan

Meaning:the crownedTools:

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About the name Estevan in particular

Languages of use:English
US 2021 rank:not in the Top 1000; other popularity lists see below
Similarly written:Estavan, Esteban, Estéban, Estevão, Estefani, Estefany, Estela, Estera, István, Stefan     Details
Group info:

About Steven/Stephanie, the group of names with the same origin as Estevan

Meaning/translation, female:the crowned
Meaning/translation, male:the crowned
Language of origin:Old Greek
Info about origin, male:known from Saint Stephen, the first martyr of the early Christian community
 until now there were 3 popes with the name Stephanus
Words:stephanos = the crown  Old Greek
Topics:New Testament, Popes
Variants' top ranks:1:Stefanie Germany/West 1977,  2:Stefan Belgrade 2012,  2:István Hungary 2014,  2:Stefan Romania 2023,  3:Stephen England+Wales 1954,  4:Stjepan Croatia 2011,  4:Stefania Romania 2023,  5:Tapani Finland 2014,  6:Stephanie Switzerland 1987,  10:Stefán Iceland 2003 to 2007
Old/original forms:Stephanos Old Greek, Stephanus Latin
Name variants:Estefani, Estefania, Estefanía, Estefany, Stefani, Stefania, Stefanie, Stefany, Steffi, Stefka, Stephanie, Stéphanie, Stephany, Stephi, Stevie, Estavan, Esteban, Estéban, Estevan, Estevão, Etienne, Étienne, István, Shtjefen, Steeven, Steevy, Stef, Stefaan, Stefan, Stefan, Stefán, Stéfane, Stefano, Stefanus, Steffen, Stepan, Stepán, Stephan, Stéphane, Stephen, Stephon, Steve, Steven, Stevie, Stiafen, Stjepan, Tapani   Sortable list   Details

Popularity lists that contain the name Estevan

USA decades 1990-1999 771
USA yearlyGraph2007 899,  2006 850,  2005 757,  2004 762,  2003 685,  2002 797,  2001 748,  2000 744,  1999 710,  1998 684,  1997 699,  1996 686,  1995 738,  1994 6791993 690