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Name Stefaan

Meaning:the crownedTools:

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About the name Stefaan in particular

Languages of use:Dutch
US 2021 rank:not in the Top 1000; other popularity lists see below
Similarly written:Stefan, Stefan, Stefán, Stéfane, Stefani, Stefano, Stefany, Steffen, Stefka, Stepan     Details
Group info:

About Steven/Stephanie, the group of names with the same origin as Stefaan

Meaning/translation, female:the crowned
Meaning/translation, male:the crowned
Language of origin:Old Greek
Info about origin, male:known from Saint Stephen, the first martyr of the early Christian community
 until now there were 3 popes with the name Stephanus
Words:stephanos = the crown  Old Greek
Topics:New Testament, Popes
Variants' top ranks:1:Stefanie Germany/West 1977,  2:Stefan Belgrade 2012,  2:István Hungary 2014,  2:Stefan Romania 2023,  3:Stephen England+Wales 1954,  4:Stjepan Croatia 2011,  4:Stefania Romania 2023,  5:Tapani Finland 2014,  6:Stephanie Switzerland 1987,  10:Stefán Iceland 2003 to 2007
Old/original forms:Stephanos Old Greek, Stephanus Latin
Name variants:Estefani, Estefania, Estefanía, Estefany, Stefani, Stefania, Stefanie, Stefany, Steffi, Stefka, Stephanie, Stéphanie, Stephany, Stephi, Stevie, Estavan, Esteban, Estéban, Estevan, Estevão, Etienne, Étienne, István, Shtjefen, Steeven, Steevy, Stef, Stefaan, Stefan, Stefan, Stefán, Stéfane, Stefano, Stefanus, Steffen, Stepan, Stepán, Stephan, Stéphane, Stephen, Stephon, Steve, Steven, Stevie, Stiafen, Stjepan, Tapani   Sortable list   Details

Popularity lists that contain the name Stefaan

Belgium prevalence 2013 132