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Name Iago

Meaning:Yahweh may protect; holder of the heel; supplanterTools:

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About the name Iago in particular

Languages of use:Portuguese
US 2021 rank:not in the Top 1000; other popularity lists see below
Similarly written:Biago, Ingo, Jago, Tiago, Yago     Details
Group info:

About Jacob/Jacqueline/Jakoba, the group of names with the same origin as Iago

Meaning/translation:Yahweh may protect; holder of the heel; supplanter
Language of origin:Hebrew
Info about origin, male:original, etymological meaning might be He (God) may protect
 but already in the Old Testament the name is interpreted as holder of the heel or supplanter
 in the Old Testament Jacob is a son of Isaac and the father of 12 sons who will found the 12 tribes of Israel
 during birth Jacob held the heel of his twin brother Esau for becoming the first-born (thus the given name interpretations)
 in the New Testament James the Elder and James the Younger are two disciples of Jesus
Words:yahweh = (the name of God) (name of the one God according to the Old Testament)  Hebrew
 aqeb = the heel  Hebrew
 aqab = to supplant, to cheat  Hebrew
Topics:12 Apostles, Interesting, Old Testament
Variants' top ranks:1:Jakob Austria First 2020,  1:James Ireland 2016,  1:Jacob USA 2012,  1:Diego Mexico 2007,  1:Jakub Poland 2015,  1:Thiago Puerto Rico 2023,  2:Jokubas Lithuania 2021,  2:Jakov Croatia 2023,  4:Diogo Portugal 2008,  4:Jekabs Latvia 2023
Somehow related to:Jahwe
Old/original forms:Iacobus Latin, Iacomus Latin, Iakobos Old Greek, Yaakov Hebrew
Name variants:Giacoma, Jackeline, Jackie, Jacklyn, Jacky, Jaclyn, Jacqueline, Jacquelyn, Jaime, Jaimie, Jakoba, Jakobea, Jakobine, Jami, Jamie, Jaquelin, Jaqueline, Jaslyn, Jayme, Jazlene, Jazlyn, Jazlynn, Jazzlyn, Coby, Diego, Diogo, Giacobbe, Giacomo, Iacopo, Iago, Jaakko, Jaap, Jachen, Jacob, Jacobo, Jacopo, Jacques, Jago, Jaime, Jak, Jaka, Jake, Jakob, Jakobe, Jakobus, Jakop, Jakov, Jakow, Jakub, James, Jamie, Jankel, Jascha, Jaycob, Jayme, Jekabs, Jeppe, Jim, Jimi, Jimmie, Jimmy, Jokubas, Kimo, Köbi, Koby, Lapo, Seamus, Seumas, Thiago, Tiago, Yaakob, Yaakov, Yago, Yakup, Yankel, Yaqub   Sortable list   Details

Popularity lists that contain the name Iago

BrazilGraph2011 71,  2009 49