Group info: About Jacob/Jacqueline/Jakoba, the group of names with the same origin as Iago | Meaning/translation: | Yahweh may protect; holder of the heel; supplanter |
Language of origin: | Hebrew |
Info about origin, male: | original, etymological meaning might be He (God) may protect |
| but already in the Old Testament the name is interpreted as holder of the heel or supplanter |
| in the Old Testament Jacob is a son of Isaac and the father of 12 sons who will found the 12 tribes of Israel |
| during birth Jacob held the heel of his twin brother Esau for becoming the first-born (thus the given name interpretations) |
| in the New Testament James the Elder and James the Younger are two disciples of Jesus |
Words: | yahweh = (the name of God) (name of the one God according to the Old Testament) Hebrew |
| aqeb = the heel Hebrew |
| aqab = to supplant, to cheat Hebrew |
Topics: | 12 Apostles, Interesting, Old Testament |
Variants' top ranks: | 1:Jakob Austria First 2020, 1:James Ireland 2016, 1:Jacob USA 2012, 1:Diego Mexico 2007, 1:Jakub Poland 2015, 1:Thiago Puerto Rico 2023, 2:Jokubas Lithuania 2021, 2:Jakov Croatia 2023, 4:Diogo Portugal 2008, 4:Jekabs Latvia 2023 |
Somehow related to: | Jahwe |
Old/original forms: | Iacobus Latin, Iacomus Latin, Iakobos Old Greek, Yaakov Hebrew |
Name variants: | Giacoma, Jackeline, Jackie, Jacklyn, Jacky, Jaclyn, Jacqueline, Jacquelyn, Jaime, Jaimie, Jakoba, Jakobea, Jakobine, Jami, Jamie, Jaquelin, Jaqueline, Jaslyn, Jayme, Jazlene, Jazlyn, Jazlynn, Jazzlyn, Coby, Diego, Diogo, Giacobbe, Giacomo, Iacopo, Iago, Jaakko, Jaap, Jachen, Jacob, Jacobo, Jacopo, Jacques, Jago, Jaime, Jak, Jaka, Jake, Jakob, Jakobe, Jakobus, Jakop, Jakov, Jakow, Jakub, James, Jamie, Jankel, Jascha, Jaycob, Jayme, Jekabs, Jeppe, Jim, Jimi, Jimmie, Jimmy, Jokubas, Kimo, Köbi, Koby, Lapo, Seamus, Seumas, Thiago, Tiago, Yaakob, Yaakov, Yago, Yakup, Yankel, Yaqub Sortable list Details |