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Name Petter

Meaning:the rock, the stoneTools:

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About the name Petter in particular

Languages of use:Scandinavian
US 2021 rank:not in the Top 1000; other popularity lists see below
Similarly written:Peter, Péter, Petteri, Dexter, Ester, Hester, Jette, Lester, Mette, Peder     Details
Group info:

About Peter/Petra, the group of names with the same origin as Petter

Meaning/translation:the rock, the stone
Language of origin:Old Greek
Info about origin, male:known from Saint Peter, the apostle
 before he was given the name Peter (or, more exactly, Aramaic Cephas) by Jesus he was known as Simon
Words:petros = the stone, the rock  Old Greek
 cephas = the stone  Aramaic
Topics:12 Apostles, New Testament
Variants' top ranks:1:Peter Germany 2005,  1:Piotr Poland 2012,  2:Per Norway 2015,  2:Petra Croatia 2009,  3:Pierre France 2011,  3:Petr Czechia 2015,  4:Pedro Brazil 2015,  4:Petar Croatia 2022,  5:Péter Hungary 2003,  5:Penka Bulgaria 2011
Old/original forms:Petros Old Greek, Petrus Latin
Name variants:Penka, Perrine, Petra, Petya, Piera, Pierina, Pierrette, Pierrine, Pietra, Piotra, Peder, Pedro, Peer, Peetu, Peider, Pekka, Pelle, Per, Pero, Petar, Pete, Peter, Péter, Petr, Petre, Petri, Petru, Petter, Petteri, Pétur, Pierce, Piero, Pierre, Pierrick, Piers, Pietari, Pieter, Pietro, Piotr, Pit, Pitt, Pjeter, Pjetur, Pjotr   Sortable list   Details

Popularity lists that contain the name Petter

NorwayGraph2023 180,  2022 150,  2021 136,  2020 131,  2019 109,  2018 125,  2017 113,  2016 101,  2015 103,  2014 111,  2013 86,  2012 108,  2011 91,  2010 93,  2009 92,  2008 75,  2007 77,  2006 71,  2005 55,  2004 43,  2003 47,  2002 55,  2001 51,  2000 48,  1999 41,  1998 45,  1997 40
SwedenGraph2001 92,  2000 86,  1999 88,  1998 80