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Name Giorgia

Meaning:farmer, earthworkerTools:

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About the name Giorgia in particular

Languages of use:Italian
US 2021 rank:not in the Top 1000; other popularity lists see below
Similarly written:Georgia, Giorgi, Giorgio, Georgi, Georgie, Georgina, Gioia, Gloria     Details
Group info:

About Georg/Georgia, the group of names with the same origin as Giorgia

Meaning/translation:farmer, earthworker
Language of origin:Old Greek
Info about origin, male:known from Saint George, legendary dragon slayer, patron saint of England (3th/4th century AD) and one of the 14 Holy Helpers
Words:georgos = the farmer, the earthworker  Old Greek
 ge = the earth  Old Greek
 ergo = to work  Old Greek
Topics:14 Holy Helpers
Variants' top ranks:1:Jirí Czechia 2015,  1:Georgi Bulgaria 2018,  1:Giorgi Georgia 2021,  2:George England+Wales 2020,  3:Georgia Australia/NSW 2001,  3:Giorgia Italy 2012,  5:Jorge Peru 2015,  9:Jürgen Germany 2005,  9:Jørgen Denmark 2005,  10:Egor Moscow 2014
Old/original forms:Georgios Old Greek
Name variants:Georgette, Georgia, Georgiana, Georgie, Georgina, Georgine, Gergana, Giorgia, Jirina, Jorgie, Jorja, Jörna, Jörne, Egor, Georg, George, Georges, Georgi, Georgios, Georgius, Gevorg, Gieri, Giorgi, Giorgio, Gjergj, Göran, György, Iouri, Iuri, Jerzy, Jirí, Jorck, Jordi, Jordy, Jörg, Jorge, Jörgen, Jørgen, Joris, Jörn, Jure, Jürg, Jürgen, Juri, Jurij, Jurka, Schorsch, Yorick, York, Yorrick, Yuri   Sortable list   Details

Popularity lists that contain the name Giorgia

ItalyGraph2022 14,  2021 11,  2020 8,  2019 7,  2018 7,  2017 7,  2016 5,  2015 4,  2014 4,  2013 5,  2012 32011 5,  2010 5,  2009 5,  2008 6,  2007 7,  2006 7,  2005 8,  2004 8
Switzerland 1997 261