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Name Krista

Meaning:Christian womanTools:

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About the name Krista in particular

Languages of use:German, Scandinavian
US 2021 rank:not in the Top 1000; other popularity lists see below
Similarly written:Kristal, Kristi, Kristi, Kristy, Krysta, Trista, Arissa, Aristea, Brisa, Briska     Details
Group info:

About Christian/Christine, the group of names with the same origin as Krista

Meaning/translation, female:Christian woman
Meaning/translation, male:Christian, disciple of Christ
Language of origin:Latin
Info about origin, male:very popular since the Middle Ages in several European countries, especially Germany
Words:christianus = christian  Latin
 christos = the sanctified, the anointed  Old Greek
Topics:New Testament
Variants' top ranks:1:Christian Germany/West 1978,  1:Kirsten Denmark 2005,  3:Christine England+Wales 1954,  3:Tianna Jamaica 2011,  3:Kristín Iceland 2015,  4:Kristina Sweden 2014,  6:Cristian Romania 2014,  6:Kristýna Czechia 2015,  7:Kristian Greenland 2011,  7:Krystyna Poland 2012
Name variants:Carsta, Chris, Chrissi, Chrissy, Christa, Christel, Christelle, Christen, Christian, Christiana, Christiane, Christie, Christin, Christina, Christine, Christl, Christy, Cristiana, Cristina, Crysta, Karsta, Kerstin, Kiersten, Kirsten, Kirstie, Kirstin, Kirsty, Kris, Krista, Kristen, Kristi, Kristian, Kristie, Kristiina, Kristin, Kristín, Kristina, Kristína, Kristine, Kristy, Kristyn, Kristýna, Krisztina, Krysta, Krystina, Krystyna, Nane, Tiana, Tianna, Carsten, Christer, Christian, Christion, Cristian, Cristián, Cristiano, Karsten, Kersten, Kirsten, Kristers, Kristian, Kristijan, Kristinn, Kristjan, Kristján, Krisztián, Krystian   Sortable list   Details

Popularity lists that contain the name Krista

USA decadesGraph1990-1999 182,  1980-1989 1271970-1979 146
USA yearlyGraph2008 892,  2007 806,  2006 693,  2005 589,  2004 543,  2003 441,  2002 474,  2001 448,  2000 408,  1999 366,  1998 318,  1997 268,  1996 221,  1995 202,  1994 182,  1993 165