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Name Christiane

Meaning:Christian womanTools:

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About the name Christiane in particular

Languages of use:German, French
Short forms:Nane
US 2021 rank:not in the Top 1000; other popularity lists see below
Similarly written:Christian, Christian, Christiana, Christine, Christie, Christin, Christina, Christion, Cristian, Cristián     Details
Group info:

About Christian/Christine, the group of names with the same origin as Christiane

Meaning/translation, female:Christian woman
Meaning/translation, male:Christian, disciple of Christ
Language of origin:Latin
Info about origin, male:very popular since the Middle Ages in several European countries, especially Germany
Words:christianus = christian  Latin
 christos = the sanctified, the anointed  Old Greek
Topics:New Testament
Variants' top ranks:1:Christian Germany/West 1978,  1:Kirsten Denmark 2005,  3:Christine England+Wales 1954,  3:Tianna Jamaica 2011,  3:Kristín Iceland 2015,  4:Kristina Sweden 2014,  6:Cristian Romania 2014,  6:Kristýna Czechia 2015,  7:Kristian Greenland 2011,  7:Krystyna Poland 2012
Name variants:Carsta, Chris, Chrissi, Chrissy, Christa, Christel, Christelle, Christen, Christian, Christiana, Christiane, Christie, Christin, Christina, Christine, Christl, Christy, Cristiana, Cristina, Crysta, Karsta, Kerstin, Kiersten, Kirsten, Kirstie, Kirstin, Kirsty, Kris, Krista, Kristen, Kristi, Kristian, Kristie, Kristiina, Kristin, Kristín, Kristina, Kristína, Kristine, Kristy, Kristyn, Kristýna, Krisztina, Krysta, Krystina, Krystyna, Nane, Tiana, Tianna, Carsten, Christer, Christian, Christion, Cristian, Cristián, Cristiano, Karsten, Kersten, Kirsten, Kristers, Kristian, Kristijan, Kristinn, Kristjan, Kristján, Krisztián, Krystian   Sortable list   Details

Popularity lists that contain the name Christiane

Belgium prevalence 2013 10
France prevalence 2011 19
Germany prevalence 2005 65
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