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Name Elaine

Meaning:maybe the torchTools:

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About the name Elaine in particular

Languages of use:English
US 2021 rank:#482     ... 480:Jimena, 481:Jessica, 482:Elaine, 483:Dorothy, 484:Mira ...     Full US 2021 list
Similarly written:Élaine, Blaine, Elaina, Eline, Elwine, Aine, Alain, Alaina, Albine, Aldine     Details
Group info:

About Helen, the group of names with the same origin as Elaine

Meaning/translation:maybe the torch
Language of origin:Old Greek
Info about origin:in Greek mythology Helen is the daughter of Zeus and Leda; her kidnapping was the cause of the Trojan war
 the origin of the name is uncertain; possibly related to Old Greek helene (torch)
Words:helene = the torch  Old Greek
Topics:Greek mythology
Variants' top ranks:1:Lena Austria 2006,  1:Helena Brazil 2021,  1:Jelena Montenegro 2011,  1:Elene Georgia 2021,  2:Elena Romania 2016,  2:Elin Sweden 2002,  2:Léna Hungary 2022,  3:Lenna Estonia 2018,  4:Ilona Hungary 2014,  5:Ellen Armenia 2010
Somehow related to:Eleonora
Name variants:Alenka, Aliona, Alyona, Elaina, Elaine, Élaine, Elayna, Elen, Elena, Eléna, Elene, Eleni, Elenia, Elenie, Elin, Elín, Elina, Elle, Ellen, Helen, Helena, Helene, Hélène, Hellen, Ileana, Ilena, Ilinca, Ilka, Ilke, Illona, Ilona, Ilonka, Jela, Jelena, Jelka, Lainey, Laney, Leena, Lena, Léna, Leni, Lenia, Lenio, Lenja, Lenka, Lenna, Leny, Lenya, Nelli   Sortable list   Details

Popularity lists that contain the name Elaine

England+Wales decadesGraph1974 78,  1964 43,  1954 181944 50
USA decadesGraph1990-1999 454,  1980-1989 349,  1960-1969 141
USA yearlyGraph2022 465,  2021 482,  2020 519,  2019 555,  2018 634,  2017 588,  2016 607,  2015 673,  2014 654,  2013 767,  2012 702,  2011 697,  2010 799,  2009 765,  2008 745,  2007 719,  2006 719,  2005 606,  2004 662,  2003 628,  2002 637,  2001 614,  2000 576,  1999 546,  1998 524,  1997 527,  1996 470,  1995 467,  1994 447,  1993 445
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