Meaning: | Cyneburga's field | Tools: Add to favorites Generate: Twitter-able text SMS text Compare to: Behind the Name Search with: Wikipedia NNDB IMDb Google |
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Name info: About the name Kimberly in particular | |
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Group info: About Kimberley, the group of names with the same origin as Kimberly | Meaning/translation: | Cyneburga's field |
Language of origin: | Old English |
Info about origin: | from the name of Kimberley, a city in South Africa, named after a certain Lord Kimberley |
| Lord Kimberley got his family name from a city in England named Kimberley |
| this city name means Cyneburga's field |
Words: | leah = the wood (in the sense of forest), the clearing (open place within a wood), the meadow Old English |
Topics: | Geographic name, Interesting |
Variants' top ranks: | 4:Kimberly Philippines 2002, 8:Kim Netherlands 2001, 43:Kimberley England+Wales 1984, 590:Kimber USA 2016, 826:Kimberlee USA 1993 |
Somehow related to: | Cyneburga |
Name variants: | Kim, Kimber, Kimberlee, Kimberley, Kimberly Sortable list Details |
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Popularity: Popularity lists that contain the name Kimberly | Series | Graph | Rankings |
France | | 2002 473 |
Guatemala | Graph | 2022 6, 2019 6, 2016 5 |
Mexico | Graph | 2021 45, 2016 73, 2013 33, 2011 35, 2010 40, 2009 58 |
Philippines | Graph | 2006 7, 2005 9, 2002 4 |
Switzerland | | 1997 324 |
USA decades | Graph | 2010-2019 113, 2000-2009 56, 1990-1999 35, 1980-1989 18, 1970-1979 5, 1960-1969 5 |
USA prevalence | | 1990 24 |
USA yearly | Graph | 2022 210, 2021 220, 2020 184, 2019 193, 2018 170, 2017 164, 2016 132, 2015 107, 2014 105, 2013 101, 2012 88, 2011 67, 2010 68, 2009 66, 2008 57, 2007 54, 2006 58, 2005 63, 2004 61, 2003 64, 2002 63, 2001 61, 2000 58, 1999 51, 1998 53, 1997 49, 1996 41, 1995 37, 1994 32, 1993 39 |
Sort by Rank Sort by Year |
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