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Name Josie

Meaning:He (God) will addTools:

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About the name Josie in particular

Languages of use:English
Is diminutive of:Joséphine
US 2021 rank:#130     ... 128:Alaia, 129:Melanie, 130:Josie, 131:Elliana, 132:Cecilia ...     Full US 2021 list
Similarly written:Jodie, Jolie, Jose, José, Josée, Josi, Josia, Josip, Josue, Josué     Details
Group info:

About Joseph/Josepha, the group of names with the same origin as Josie

Meaning/translation:He (God) will add
Language of origin:Hebrew
Info about origin, male:the name is interpreted as May God add another son
 in the Old Testament Joseph is the 11th son of Jacob, advisor to the pharaoh in Egypt, and thus the name of one of the 12 tribes of Israel
 in the New Testament Joseph is the husband of Maria, the mother of Jesus
Words:yacaph = to add, to increase  Hebrew
Topics:12 Tribes of Israel, New Testament, Old Testament
Variants' top ranks:1:José Guatemala 2022,  1:Yusuf Turkey 2021,  1:Yusif Azerbaijan 2020,  2:Josef Austria 2015,  2:Josip Croatia 2011,  3:József Hungary 2014,  4:Josefa Spain 2015,  6:Josefine Denmark 2017,  7:Joseph USA 2003,  9:Joséphine Paris 2019
Somehow related to:Giosch
Name variants:Beppina, Fien, Fiene, Giuseppa, Giuseppina, Guiseppa, Guiseppina, Josée, Josefa, Josefin, Josefina, Josefine, Josepha, Josephine, Joséphine, Josette, Josi, Josiane, Josianne, Josie, Josina, Josipa, Jozefien, Jozefina, Nuccia, Pepita, Peppina, Pien, Pinuccia, Beppe, Beppo, Giuseppe, Giuseppino, Giusy, Guiseppe, Isuf, Jo, Jody, Joe, Joep, Joey, Joos, Joscha, Joschka, Jose, José, Josef, Joselito, Joseph, Josip, Joska, Jozef, Józef, József, Jupp, Jusuf, Juuso, Nuccio, Pepe, Pepito, Peppe, Peppino, Peppone, Pino, Pinuccio, Sep, Sepp, Seppi, Usop, Yosef, Yossi, Youcef, Yousef, Youssef, Youssouf, Yusif, Yusuf, , Zef   Sortable list   Details

Popularity lists that contain the name Josie

CanadaGraph2022 249,  2021 235
USA decades 1990-1999 465
USA yearlyGraph2022 1192021 130,  2020 134,  2019 155,  2018 192,  2017 201,  2016 237,  2015 251,  2014 254,  2013 265,  2012 254,  2011 256,  2010 260,  2009 314,  2008 294,  2007 299,  2006 294,  2005 316,  2004 324,  2003 305,  2002 281,  2001 282,  2000 327,  1999 340,  1998 360,  1997 367,  1996 340,  1995 361,  1994 440,  1993 587
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