Name info: About the name József in particular | |
Group info: About Joseph/Josepha, the group of names with the same origin as József | Meaning/translation: | He (God) will add |
Language of origin: | Hebrew |
Info about origin, male: | the name is interpreted as May God add another son |
| in the Old Testament Joseph is the 11th son of Jacob, advisor to the pharaoh in Egypt, and thus the name of one of the 12 tribes of Israel |
| in the New Testament Joseph is the husband of Maria, the mother of Jesus |
Words: | yacaph = to add, to increase Hebrew |
Topics: | 12 Tribes of Israel, New Testament, Old Testament |
Variants' top ranks: | 1:José Guatemala 2023, 1:Yusuf Turkey 2021, 1:Yusif Azerbaijan 2020, 2:Josef Austria 2015, 2:Josip Croatia 2011, 3:József Hungary 2014, 4:Josefa Spain 2015, 6:Josefine Denmark 2017, 7:Joseph USA 2003, 9:Joséphine Paris 2019 |
Somehow related to: | Giosch |
Name variants: | Beppina, Fien, Fiene, Giuseppa, Giuseppina, Guiseppa, Guiseppina, Josée, Josefa, Josefin, Josefina, Josefine, Josepha, Josephine, Joséphine, Josette, Josi, Josiane, Josianne, Josie, Josina, Josipa, Jozefien, Jozefina, Nuccia, Pepita, Peppina, Pien, Pinuccia, Beppe, Beppo, Giuseppe, Giuseppino, Giusy, Guiseppe, Isuf, Jo, Jody, Joe, Joep, Joey, Joos, Joscha, Joschka, Jose, José, Josef, Joselito, Joseph, Josip, Joska, Jozef, Józef, József, Jupp, Jusuf, Juuso, Nuccio, Pepe, Pepito, Peppe, Peppino, Peppone, Pino, Pinuccio, Sep, Sepp, Seppi, Usop, Yosef, Yossi, Youcef, Yousef, Youssef, Youssouf, Yusif, Yusuf, Zé, Zef Sortable list Details |
Popularity: Popularity lists that contain the name József | Series | Graph | Rankings |
Hungary | Graph | 2023 56, 2022 51, 2021 50, 2020 51, 2019 42, 2018 48, 2017 44, 2016 45, 2015 42, 2014 45, 2013 45, 2012 42, 2011 46, 2010 47, 2009 41, 2008 43, 2007 40, 2006 39, 2005 36, 2004 34, 2003 28, 2002 30 |
Hungary prevalence | | 2014 3 |