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Name Sheila

Origin:From a Latin word for blindTools:

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About the name Sheila in particular

Languages of use:English, Irish
US 2021 rank:not in the Top 1000; other popularity lists see below
Similarly written:Sheyla, Shila, Hekla, Hella, Keila, Leila, Saila, Seela, Sela, Shaima     Details
Group info:

About Cecil/Cecilia, the group of names with the same origin as Sheila

Language of origin:Latin
Info about origin, female:female form of the Roman family name Caecilius which might be of unknown Etruscan origin
 normally seen as deriving from Latin caecus (blind)
 known from Saint Cecilia, a martyr (3rd century AD)
Words:caecus = blind  Latin
Topics:Roman family name
Variants' top ranks:1:Cecilie Denmark 1997,  2:Silje Norway 1998,  4:Cecília Brazil 2023,  6:Sheila England+Wales 1934,  9:Sesili Georgia 2018,  23:Cecilia Sweden 2014,  34:Cecil England+Wales 1904,  36:Sille Denmark 2001,  39:Silja Finland/Finnish 2007,  41:Silke Denmark 2010
Somehow related to:Ceciliano
Old/original forms:Caecilia Latin, Caecilius Latin
Name variants:Cäcilia, Cäcilie, Cecelia, Cécile, Cecilia, Cecília, Cecilie, Cecily, Cylia, Sesili, Shayla, Sheila, Shelia, Sheyla, Shyla, Sile, Silja, Silje, Silka, Silke, Sille, Sissy, Sylke, Cecil, Cecilio, Cecilius, Silko   Sortable list   Details

Popularity lists that contain the name Sheila

England+Wales decadesGraph1964 99,  1954 34,  1944 21,  1934 61924 43
SpainGraph2009 89,  2008 80,  2007 722006 88
Spain/MadridGraph2005 94,  2004 96,  2003 95,  2001 77,  2000 731999 75,  1998 87
Switzerland 1997 261
USA decadesGraph1990-1999 526,  1980-1989 240,  1970-1979 119,  1960-1969 59
USA yearlyGraph2007 986,  2006 941,  2004 802,  2003 814,  2002 723,  2001 658,  2000 688,  1999 653,  1998 662,  1997 698,  1996 605,  1995 583,  1994 563,  1993 464
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