Meaning: | Yahweh is salvation | Tools: Add to favorites Generate: Twitter-able text SMS text Compare to: Behind the Name Search with: Wikipedia NNDB IMDb Google |
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Name info: About the name Jesus in particular | Gender: | male |
Languages of use: | German, Portuguese, Spanish, English |
US 2021 rank: | #170 ... 168:Ivan, 169:Elliott, 170:Jesus, 171:Emiliano, 172:Messiah ... Full US 2021 list |
Similarly written: | Jesús, Jess, Jesusa, Gesù, Gesua, Janus, Jens, Jesca, Jesco, Jesko Details |
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Group info: About Joshua/Jesusa, the group of names with the same origin as Jesus | Meaning/translation: | Yahweh is salvation |
Language of origin: | Hebrew |
Info about origin, male: | in the Old Testament Joshua is the successor to Moses as the leader of the Israelites |
| in the New Testament Jesus is a variant of this name |
Words: | yahweh = (the name of God) (name of the one God according to the Old Testament) Hebrew |
| yasha = to help, to deliver (in the sense of to save) Hebrew |
Topics: | New Testament, Old Testament |
Variants' top ranks: | 1:Joshua Australia/NSW 2003, 3:Jesús Mexico 2016, 9:Josué Peru 2012, 28:Josh Scotland 2002, 44:Josue Mexico 2013, 66:Jesus USA 2002, 71:Issa Paris 2018, 317:Josua Switzerland 1997 |
Somehow related to: | Giosch |
Old/original forms: | Iesous Greek, Jehoschua Hebrew, Jeschua Aramaic |
Name variants: | Gesua, Jesusa, Gesù, Giosuè, Issa, Jesus, Jesús, Joschua, Josh, Joshua, Josua, Josue, Josué, Yoshua Sortable list Details |
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Popularity: Popularity lists that contain the name Jesus | Series | Graph | Rankings |
USA decades | Graph | 2010-2019 117, 2000-2009 72, 1990-1999 76, 1980-1989 93, 1970-1979 144 |
USA yearly | Graph | 2022 165, 2021 170, 2020 169, 2019 152, 2018 148, 2017 144, 2016 134, 2015 128, 2014 111, 2013 106, 2012 101, 2011 92, 2010 92, 2009 77, 2008 79, 2007 77, 2006 74, 2005 73, 2004 70, 2003 67, 2002 66, 2001 66, 2000 76, 1999 70, 1998 76, 1997 71, 1996 74, 1995 76, 1994 80, 1993 80 |
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