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Name Frederick

Origin:From Old High German words for peace, protection, safety and rich, powerful, powerTools:

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Name info:

About the name Frederick in particular

Languages of use:English
Diminutives:Freddie, Freddy, Fredy
US 2021 rank:#476     ... 474:Kasen, 475:Kamden, 476:Frederick, 477:Princeton, 478:Braylon ...     Full US 2021 list
Similarly written:Frederic, Frédéric, Frederica, Fredericka, Frederico, Frederik, Fredrick, Broderick, Federica, Federico     Details
Group info:

About Frederick/Frederika, the group of names with the same origin as Frederick

Language of origin:Old High German
Info about origin, male:old Germanic two-element name
 name of various rulers, e.g. of Prussia and Germany
Words:fridu = the peace, the protection, the safety  Old High German
 rihhi = rich, powerful, the power, the ruler  Old High German
Topics:Two-element name
Variants' top ranks:1:Frederik Denmark 1997,  1:Veeti Finland/Finnish 2009,  7:Frederick England+Wales 1914,  7:Fredrik Norway 1997,  10:Freddie England+Wales 2022,  11:Federico Italy 2010,  15:Federica Italy 2005,  17:Frédéric France 2011,  18:Rikke Denmark 1996,  23:Friedrich Austria 2015
Old/original forms:Fridurich Old High German, Frithareiks Gothic
Name variants:Federica, Freda, Frede, Frederica, Fredericka, Frederika, Frederike, Frederikke, Friederika, Friederike, Rikke, Bedrich, Federico, Federigo, Fiete, Fred, Freddie, Freddy, Frederic, Frédéric, Frederick, Frederico, Frederik, Fredi, Fredrick, Fredrik, Fredy, Frerik, Fridolin, Friðrik, Frieder, Friederich, Friedrich, Fritz, Fryderyk, Veeti   Sortable list   Details

Popularity lists that contain the name Frederick

CanadaGraph2022 2822021 286
England+WalesGraph2022 65,  2021 612020 63,  2019 65,  2018 65,  2017 72,  2016 76,  2015 76,  2014 81,  2013 82,  2012 87,  2011 96,  2010 95,  2009 96,  2006 99
England+Wales decadesGraph2014 81,  1954 67,  1944 42,  1934 24,  1924 10,  1914 71904 8
New Zealand 2022 93
ScotlandGraph2022 1692021 186,  2019 194,  2010 195
USA decadesGraph1990-1999 315,  1980-1989 201,  1970-1979 135,  1960-1969 111
USA yearlyGraph2022 474,  2021 476,  2020 485,  2019 475,  2018 496,  2017 494,  2016 513,  2015 516,  2014 496,  2013 492,  2012 536,  2011 540,  2010 496,  2009 538,  2008 523,  2007 530,  2006 477,  2005 450,  2004 447,  2003 432,  2002 427,  2001 409,  2000 395,  1999 384,  1998 361,  1997 356,  1996 325,  1995 316,  1994 299,  1993 290
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