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Name Antwan

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About the name Antwan in particular

Languages of use:English
US 2021 rank:not in the Top 1000; other popularity lists see below
Similarly written:Antwon, Antal, Antea, Anton, Anwar, Artan, Atan, Atnan, Intan, Twan     Details
Group info:

About Anthony/Antonia, the group of names with the same origin as Antwan

Language of origin:Latin
Info about origin, male:originally a Roman family name, probably of Etruscan origin
 known as the name of Saint Anthony of Padua, the patron saint of Portugal (13th century AD)
Topics:Roman family name
Variants' top ranks:1:Antonio Spain 2015,  1:Antoni Poland 2022,  2:Anton Munich 2022,  2:Antônio Brazil 2013,  2:Antonella Chile 2012,  4:Antonia Chile 2009,  4:Antônia Brazil 2013,  5:Anthony Jamaica 2008,  6:Antoine France 2001,  8:Ante Croatia 2011
Old/original forms:Antonius Latin
Name variants:Antoinette, Antonella, Antonetta, Antonette, Antonia, Antónia, Antônia, Antonie, Antonietta, Antonija, Antonina, Toni, Tonia, Tonja, Tonje, Tonya, Andon, Andoni, Antal, Ante, Anthony, Antoine, Anton, Antonello, Antoni, Antonin, Antonín, Antonino, Antonio, António, Antônio, Antonios, Antony, Antwan, Antwon, Teun, Toine, Toni, Tonio, Tönjes, Toño, Tony, Twan   Sortable list   Details

Popularity lists that contain the name Antwan

USA decadesGraph1990-1999 575,  1980-1989 435
USA yearlyGraph2010 911,  2009 913,  2008 882,  2007 853,  2006 827,  2005 848,  2004 917,  2003 861,  2002 938,  2001 772,  2000 703,  1999 742,  1998 720,  1997 735,  1996 727,  1995 769,  1994 694,  1993 686