Name | Group | Language of Origin | Languages of Use | Meaning/Translation or Related Words | US 2021 |
Rahim | Rahim | Arabic | Arabic | kind, compassionate | |
Reece | Reece/Reese/Reece | Welsh | English, Welsh | ardor | #579 |
Reece | Reece/Reese/Reece | Welsh | English | ardor | |
Rees | Reece/Reese/Reece | Welsh | English | ardor | |
Reese | Reece/Reese/Reece | Welsh | English | ardor | #701 |
Reese | Reece/Reese/Reece | Welsh | English | ardor | #147 |
Rethabile | Rethabile | Sesotho | Sesotho | maybe happy | |
Rhys | Reece/Reese/Reece | Welsh | Welsh | ardor | #413 |
Ria | Mary | Hebrew | German, English | maybe bitterness | |
Riana | Mary | Hebrew | German | maybe bitterness | |
Rudra | Rudra | Sanskrit | Hindi | the roaring one, the howling one | |
Sachiko | Sachiko | Japanese | Kanji symbol, Japanese | child of happiness | |
Saki | Saki | Japanese | Japanese | Words: blossom / hope | |
Sakina | Sakina | Arabic | Arabic | calmness, peace | |
Sekani | Sekani | Tumbuka | English | to laugh | |
Selig | Selig/Zelda | Yiddish | Yiddish | blessed, happy | |
Seraina | Serenus/Serena | Latin | Rhaeto-Romanic | peaceful, serene | |
Sereina | Serenus/Serena | Latin | Rhaeto-Romanic | peaceful, serene | |
Serena | Serenus/Serena | Latin | German, Italian | peaceful, serene | #386 |
Serenella | Serenus/Serena | Latin | Italian | peaceful, serene | |
Serenity | Serenity | English | English | serenity | #85 |
Sereno | Serenus/Serena | Latin | Italian | peaceful, serene | |
Serenus | Serenus/Serena | Latin | German | peaceful, serene | |
Serina | Serenus/Serena | Latin | English | peaceful, serene | |
Seval | Sevil | Turkish | Turkish | maybe be loved | |
Sevda | Sevda | Turkish | Turkish, Azerbaijani | love | |
Sevil | Sevil | Turkish | Turkish | maybe be loved | |
Sevinç | Sevinç | Turkish | Turkish | joy | |
Sevinj | Sevinç | Turkish | Azerbaijani | joy | |
Shaurya | Shaurya | Sanskrit | Hindi | valor, brave | |
Shizuka | Shizuka | Japanese | Kanji symbol, Japanese | quiet, calm | |
Shpresa | Shpresa | Albanian | Albanian | hope | |
Soukaina | Sakina | Arabic | French, Arabic | calmness, peace | |
Taraji | Taraji | Swahili | English | hope | |
Tate | Tate | Old Norse | English | cheerful | #304 |
Thandolwethu | Thandolwethu | Xhosa | Xhosa | maybe our love | |
Thirza | Tirzah | Hebrew | German, English | delight, pleasantness | |
Thyrza | Tirzah | Hebrew | English | delight, pleasantness | |
Tirza | Tirzah | Hebrew | German | delight, pleasantness | |
Tirzah | Tirzah | Hebrew | English | delight, pleasantness | |
Toivo | Toivo | Finnish | Finnish | hope | |
Traugott | Traugott | German | German | Words: trust / God | |
Trixi | Beatrix | Latin | German | traveller, pilgrim | |
Truman | Truman | English | English | trusty man | |
Ulises | Ulysses | Old Greek | Spanish | Words: hate | #930 |
Ulisse | Ulysses | Old Greek | Italian | Words: hate | |
Ulysse | Ulysses | Old Greek | French | Words: hate | |
Ulysses | Ulysses | Old Greek | English | Words: hate | |
Umut | Umut | Turkish | Turkish | hope | |
Una | Une | Old Norse | Scandinavian | Words: be satisfied, be happy | |
Une | Une | Old Norse | Scandinavian | Words: be satisfied, be happy | |
Unn | Unn | Old Norse | Scandinavian | love | |
Uther | Uther | Welsh | English, Welsh | maybe terrible | |
Uthr | Uther | Welsh | English | maybe terrible | |
Vedad | Vedad/Widad | Arabic | Serbo-Croatian | love | |
Veera | Vera | Russian | Finnish | faith | |
Velma | William/Wilhelma | Old High German | English | Words: will, desire / helmet, protection | |
Venera | Venus | Latin | Russian, Albanian | love | |
Venere | Venus | Latin | Italian | love | |
Venus | Venus | Latin | German, Scandinavian, Dutch, English, Spanish, Finnish | love | |
Vénus | Venus | Latin | Portuguese, French | love | |
Vera | Vera | Russian | German, Scandinavian, English, Russian | faith | #228 |
Vera | Vera | Russian | Czech | faith | |
Vilfredo | Wilfried/Wilfriede | Old High German | Italian | Words: will, desire / peace, protection, safety | |
Vilhelm | William/Wilhelma | Old High German | Scandinavian | Words: will, desire / helmet, protection | |
Vilho | William/Wilhelma | Old High German | Finnish | Words: will, desire / helmet, protection | |
Vili | William/Wilhelma | Old High German | Finnish | Words: will, desire / helmet, protection | |
Viljami | William/Wilhelma | Old High German | Finnish | Words: will, desire / helmet, protection | |
Viljo | William/Wilhelma | Old High German | Finnish | Words: will, desire / helmet, protection | |
Ville | William/Wilhelma | Old High German | Scandinavian, Finnish | Words: will, desire / helmet, protection | |
Villum | William/Wilhelma | Old High German | Scandinavian | Words: will, desire / helmet, protection | |
Vilma | William/Wilhelma | Old High German | Russian | Words: will, desire / helmet, protection | |
Vilmos | William/Wilhelma | Old High German | Hungarian | Words: will, desire / helmet, protection | |
Viltautas | Viltautas/Viltaute | Lithuanian | Lithuanian | Words: hope / people | |
Viltaute | Viltautas/Viltaute | Lithuanian | Lithuanian | Words: hope / people | |
Vilte | Viltautas/Viltaute | Lithuanian | Lithuanian | Words: hope / people | |
Vojtech | Wojciech | Old Slavic | Czech | Words: warrior / comfort | |
Wedad | Vedad/Widad | Arabic | Arabic | love | |
Wera | Vera | Russian | German | faith | |
Widad | Vedad/Widad | Arabic | Arabic | love | |
Wil | Willibert | Old High German | English | Words: will, desire / bright | |
Wilbert | Willibert | Old High German | German, English | Words: will, desire / bright | |
Wilbrecht | Willibert | Old High German | German | Words: will, desire / bright | |
Wilbur | Wilburg | Old High German | English | Words: will, desire / castle | |
Wilburg | Wilburg | Old High German | German, English | Words: will, desire / castle | |
Wilfred | Wilfried/Wilfriede | Old High German | English | Words: will, desire / peace, protection, safety | |
Wilfredo | Wilfried/Wilfriede | Old High German | Spanish | Words: will, desire / peace, protection, safety | |
Wilfrid | Wilfried/Wilfriede | Old High German | French | Words: will, desire / peace, protection, safety | |
Wilfried | Wilfried/Wilfriede | Old High German | German | Words: will, desire / peace, protection, safety | |
Wilfrieda | Wilfried/Wilfriede | Old High German | German | Words: will, desire / peace, protection, safety | |
Wilfriede | Wilfried/Wilfriede | Old High German | German | Words: will, desire / peace, protection, safety | |
Wilhard | Wilhard | Old High German | German | Words: will, desire / brave, hardy | |
Wilhelm | William/Wilhelma | Old High German | German | Words: will, desire / helmet, protection | |
Wilhelma | William/Wilhelma | Old High German | German | Words: will, desire / helmet, protection | |
Wilhelmina | William/Wilhelma | Old High German | German | Words: will, desire / helmet, protection | |
Wilhelmine | William/Wilhelma | Old High German | German | Words: will, desire / helmet, protection | |
Wilian | William/Wilhelma | Old High German | Portuguese | Words: will, desire / helmet, protection | |
Wilibald | Willibald | Old High German | German | Words: will, desire / bold, brave | |
Wilko | William/Wilhelma | Old High German | German, Frisian, Low German | Words: will, desire / helmet, protection | |
Will | William/Wilhelma | Old High German | English | Words: will, desire / helmet, protection | |