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Name Wilko

Origin:From Old High German words for will, desire and helmet, protectionTools:

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Name info:

About the name Wilko in particular

Languages of use:German, Frisian, Low German
Is diminutive of:Wilhelm
Popularity:no rank in any popularity list in this database
Similarly written:Silko, Aiko, Aiko, Aiko, Ailo, Eiko, Eiko, Falko, Folko, Gildo     Details
Group info:

About William/Wilhelma, the group of names with the same origin as Wilko

Language of origin:Old High German
Info about origin, male:old German/Germanic two-element name
 very popular throughout Europe during the Middle Ages
 name of several important kings, e.g. William the Conqueror, the first Norman king of England
Words:willio = the will, the desire  Old High German
 helm = the helmet, the protection  Old High German
Topics:Two-element name
Variants' top ranks:1:William Sweden 2022,  1:Liam Switzerland 2019,  1:Wilma Sweden 2007,  2:Wiremu New Zealand/Maori 2023,  6:Guilherme Brazil 2009,  8:Vilho Finland/Finnish 2023,  11:Vilma Finland/Finnish 2015,  12:Guillaume France 1997,  12:Ville Finland/Finnish 2006,  13:Willy Belgium 2013
Name variants:Billie, Guglielmina, Guillermina, Gulielma, Minka, Minna, Minnie, Velma, Vilma, Wilhelma, Wilhelmina, Wilhelmine, Willa, Wilma, Bill, Billie, Billy, Guglielmo, Guilhem, Guilherme, Guilielmus, Guillaume, Guillem, Guillermo, Jelle, Jelte, Liam, Lyam, Pim, Vilhelm, Vilho, Vili, Viljami, Viljo, Ville, Villum, Vilmos, Wilhelm, Wilian, Wilko, Will, Willem, Willi, William, Willie, Willy, Wim, Wiremu   Sortable list   Details