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Name Glenn

Meaning:maybe from the valleyTools:

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Name info:

About the name Glenn in particular

Languages of use:English, Scottish
US 2021 rank:not in the Top 1000; other popularity lists see below
Similarly written:Glen, Gwenn, Lenn, Alen, Alena, Alena, Alene, Elen, Elena, ElĂ©na     Details
Group info:

About Glen, the group of names with the same origin as Glenn

Meaning/translation:maybe from the valley
Language of origin:Celtic
Info about origin:probably from a family name derived from a Celtic/Gaelic word for valley
Words:glen = the valley  Celtic
Topics:Family name, Places
Variants' top ranks:74:Glenn USA 1960-1969,  77:Glen England+Wales 1974
Somehow related to:Glenda

Popularity lists that contain the name Glenn

Belgium prevalence 2013 178
England+Wales decadesGraph1974 97,  1964 951954 98
USA decadesGraph1990-1999 410,  1980-1989 229,  1970-1979 157,  1960-1969 74
USA yearlyGraph2008 860,  2007 824,  2006 850,  2005 760,  2004 680,  2003 668,  2002 617,  2001 627,  2000 590,  1999 527,  1998 495,  1997 470,  1996 455,  1995 429,  1994 414,  1993 361
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