Meaning: | messenger of God, angel | Tools: Add to favorites Generate: Twitter-able text SMS text Compare to: Behind the Name Search with: Wikipedia NNDB IMDb Google |
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Name info: About the name Angelique in particular | |
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Group info: About Angelus/Angela, the group of names with the same origin as Angelique | Meaning/translation: | messenger of God, angel |
Language of origin: | Old Greek |
Info about origin, male: | used as a given name only since the Middle Ages |
Words: | angelos = the angel, the messenger Old Greek |
| angelus = the angel Latin |
Topics: | New Testament |
Variants' top ranks: | 1:Angelo Philippines 2002, 1:Angel Philippines 2015, 2:Angeline Philippines 2002, 2:Andela Belgrade 2009, 3:Ángel Guatemala 2019, 3:Angelina Armenia 2020, 4:Angela Philippines 2019, 10:Ángelos Greece 2020-2022, 14:Angel Bulgaria 2011, 15:Ángela Ecuador 2013 |
Somehow related to: | Angelica |
Old/original forms: | Angelos Old Greek, Angelus Latin |
Name variants: | Andela, Angel, Angela, Ángela, Ângela, Angèle, Angeles, Angeletta, Angelette, Angelina, Angeline, Angéline, Angelique, Angélique, Angie, Aniela, Anxhela, Gela, Aggelos, Ange, Angel, Ángel, Angelo, Ângelo, Ángelos, Angelus Sortable list Details |
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Popularity: Popularity lists that contain the name Angelique | Series | Graph | Rankings |
France | | 2002 200 |
USA decades | | 1990-1999 468 |
USA yearly | Graph | 2023 998, 2022 841, 2021 874, 2017 798, 2016 668, 2015 568, 2014 413, 2013 539, 2012 389, 2011 380, 2010 627, 2009 745, 2008 687, 2007 425, 2006 683, 2005 666, 2004 603, 2003 538, 2002 498, 2001 471, 2000 466, 1999 484, 1998 470, 1997 428, 1996 456, 1995 469, 1994 459, 1993 383 |
Sort by Rank Sort by Year |
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