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Name Alissa

Meaning:of a noble kindTools:

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About the name Alissa in particular

Languages of use:English
US 2021 rank:not in the Top 1000; other popularity lists see below
Similarly written:Alessa, Alisa, Alisa, Alisea, Alisha, Alissia, Alyssa, Anissa, Arissa, Elissa     Details
Group info:

About Adelheid, the group of names with the same origin as Alissa

Meaning/translation:of a noble kind
Language of origin:Old High German
Info about origin:old Germanic two-element name
 very popular in Germany during the Middle Ages
Words:adal = the noble, honorable  Old High German
 heit = the kind, the sort, the type  Old High German
Topics:Two-element name
Variants' top ranks:1:Alice Switzerland/French 2022,  2:Alicia Sweden 2017,  2:Alicja Warsaw 2015,  2:Alise Latvia 2019,  3:Alisa Estonia 2016,  10:Alisa Moscow 2014,  11:Alyssa USA 1999,  15:Alíz Hungary 2022,  22:Heidi Norway 2015,  27:Elke Germany 2005
Old/original forms:Adalheidis Old High German, Adaliz Old French, Adelais Old French
Name variants:Addie, Adelaide, Adélaïde, Adelheid, Alecia, Alesha, Aletta, Alette, Alica, Alice, Alicia, Alícia, Alicja, Alida, Alide, Aliki, Alisa, Alisa, Alise, Alisha, Alissa, Alissia, Alita, Alíz, Alize, Alke, Allissia, Allyssa, Aly, Alycia, Alysa, Alysha, Alysia, Alyssa, Alyssia, Della, Elicia, Elke, Eltje, Heide, Heidi, Heidy, Tale, Talea, Taleja, Talida, Thale   Sortable list   Details

Popularity lists that contain the name Alissa

SwitzerlandGraph2021 188,  2020 196,  2018 1082017 135,  2016 188,  2014 196,  1997 369
Switzerland/GermanGraph2021 160,  2020 173,  2018 1292017 138,  2016 181,  2014 198,  2013 162
USA decadesGraph1990-1999 2821980-1989 314
USA yearlyGraph2015 942,  2014 855,  2013 731,  2012 676,  2011 600,  2010 512,  2009 453,  2008 436,  2007 332,  2006 376,  2005 368,  2004 333,  2003 292,  2002 301,  2001 284,  2000 278,  1999 279,  1998 250,  1997 2431996 267,  1995 275,  1994 260,  1993 255
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