Meaning: | the august, the dignified | Tools: Add to favorites Generate: Twitter-able text SMS text Compare to: Behind the Name Search with: Wikipedia NNDB IMDb Google |
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Name info: About the name Agustin in particular | Gender: | male |
Languages of use: | Spanish |
US 2021 rank: | #975 ... 973:Genesis, 974:Kalel, 975:Agustin, 976:Wylder, 977:Yadiel ... Full US 2021 list |
Similarly written: | Agustín, Agustina, Augustin, Austin, Austin, Agostina, Agostino, Ágoston, Ágúst, Augustina Details |
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Group info: About August/Augusta, the group of names with the same origin as Agustin | Meaning/translation: | the august, the dignified |
Language of origin: | Latin |
Info about origin, male: | honorific cognomen of the first Roman emperor Gaius Octavianus |
| the month of August is named after this emperor |
| the name variants containing an n towards the end derive from Augustinus, a derivation of August |
Words: | augustus = august, dignified, holy Latin |
Topics: | Problematic, Roman nickname |
Variants' top ranks: | 1:Agustín Chile 2016, 1:Agustina Chile 2018, 6:August Denmark 2021, 7:Gustas Lithuania 2010, 7:Augustina Montevideo 2016, 8:Augustas Lithuania 2010, 9:Austin USA 1997, 12:Augustin Paris 2018, 16:Agustin Argentina 2015, 22:Guus Netherlands 2022 |
Old/original forms: | Augustinus Latin, Augustus Latin |
Name variants: | Agostina, Agustina, August, Augusta, Auguste, Augustina, Augustine, Austin, Austyn, Gusti, Agostino, Ágoston, Ágúst, Agustin, Agustín, August, Augustas, Auguste, Augustin, Augustine, Augustinus, Augusto, Augustus, Austen, Austin, Auston, Austyn, Gus, Gustas, Gustl, Guus Sortable list Details |
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Popularity: Popularity lists that contain the name Agustin | Series | Graph | Rankings |
Argentina | Graph | 2015 16, 2014 18 |
USA decades | | 1990-1999 659 |
USA yearly | Graph | 2022 929, 2021 975, 2017 943, 2016 970, 2015 938, 2014 879, 2012 934, 2011 916, 2010 841, 2009 800, 2008 744, 2007 733, 2006 659, 2005 676, 2004 653, 2003 647, 2002 599, 2001 561, 2000 578, 1999 607, 1998 635, 1997 599, 1996 610, 1995 627, 1994 601, 1993 619 |
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