Meaning: | the small, the humble | Tools: Add to favorites Generate: Twitter-able text SMS text Compare to: Behind the Name Search with: Wikipedia NNDB IMDb Google |
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Name info: About the name Pauline in particular | Gender: | female |
Languages of use: | German, French, English |
US 2021 rank: | not in the Top 1000; other popularity lists see below |
Similarly written: | Paulin, Paulina, Paulino, Aline, Arline, Caline, Daline, Earline, Juline, Laurine Details |
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Group info: About Paul/Paula, the group of names with the same origin as Pauline | Meaning/translation: | the small, the humble |
Language of origin: | Latin |
Info about origin, male: | originally a Roman cognomen |
| known from Saint Paul, an important apostle |
| until now there were 6 popes with this name |
Words: | paulus = small, humble Latin |
Topics: | Popes, Roman nickname |
Variants' top ranks: | 1:Paul Germany 2020, 2:Paula Spain 2011, 3:Pablo Spain 2015, 5:Pavel Czechia 2015, 6:Paulo Brazil 2013, 7:Pawel Poland 2012, 7:Pola Poland 2022, 8:Pauline France 1997, 10:Pavle Belgrade 2012, 13:Paulina Uruguay 2022 |
Somehow related to: | Paulinus |
Old/original forms: | Paulus Latin |
Name variants: | Paola, Paolina, Paula, Paule, Paulette, Paulien, Pauliina, Paulina, Pauline, Pavla, Pavlina, Pola, Paavo, Pablito, Pablo, Pal, Pál, Pål, Páll, Paolo, Pau, Paul, Paulo, Pavel, Pavia, Pavle, Pawel, Pol, Poul Sortable list Details |
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Popularity: Popularity lists that contain the name Pauline | Series | Graph | Rankings |
Belgium | Graph | 2019 92, 2017 98, 2016 71, 2015 67, 2014 61, 2013 56, 2012 54, 2011 51, 2010 49, 2009 40, 2008 43, 2007 38, 2006 32, 2005 30, 2004 18 |
Belgium prevalence | | 2013 108 |
France | Graph | 2017 79, 2016 70, 2015 56, 2014 45, 2013 47, 2012 48, 2011 41, 2010 38, 2009 35, 2008 36, 2007 29, 2006 32, 2005 22, 2004 19, 2003 18, 2002 16, 2001 15, 2000 13, 1999 13, 1998 9, 1997 8 |
Greenland prevalence | | 2011 29 |
Switzerland/French | Graph | 2009 47, 2008 46 |
USA decades | | 1990-1999 877 |
USA yearly | Graph | 1997 971, 1996 985, 1995 897, 1994 867, 1993 786 |
Complete List (11 in Total) Sort by Rank Sort by Year |
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