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Name Hailee

Meaning:hay clearing, hay meadowTools:

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About the name Hailee in particular

Languages of use:English
US 2021 rank:not in the Top 1000; other popularity lists see below
Similarly written:Bailee, Hadlee, Haidee, Hailey, Hailie, Harlee, Haylee, Kailee, Aileen, AilĂ©n     Details
Group info:

About Hayley, the group of names with the same origin as Hailee

Meaning/translation:hay clearing, hay meadow
Language of origin:Old English
Info about origin:from a family name which derives from a place name, probably Hailey in Oxfordshire in England, with the meaning hay clearing or hay meadow
 used as a given name only since around 1960
Words:heg = the hay (dry grass)  Old English
 leah = the wood (in the sense of forest), the clearing (open place within a wood), the meadow  Old English
Topics:Family name, Geographic name
Variants' top ranks:19:Hayley England+Wales 1984,  19:Hailey USA 2010,  28:Haley USA 2000,  33:Hallie England+Wales 2022,  52:Halle Scotland 2023,  18:Hailee Malta 2014,  18:Hayleigh Malta 2014,  212:Haylee USA 2009,  372:Haleigh USA 2000,  425:Haylie USA 2007
Name variants:Hadleigh, Hailee, Hailey, Hailie, Haleigh, Haley, Hali, Halie, Halle, Hallie, Haylee, Hayleigh, Hayley, Haylie   Sortable list   Details

Popularity lists that contain the name Hailee

MaltaGraph2014 182013 27,  2012 22
USA decades 1990-1999 638
USA yearlyGraph2019 955,  2018 873,  2017 876,  2016 939,  2015 835,  2014 770,  2013 721,  2012 666,  2011 562,  2010 519,  2009 511,  2008 457,  2007 441,  2006 457,  2005 404,  2004 391,  2003 3592002 369,  2001 384,  2000 384,  1999 466,  1998 491,  1997 508,  1996 478,  1995 579,  1994 637,  1993 640
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