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Name Fanny

Meaning:little FrenchwomanTools:

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About the name Fanny in particular

Languages of use:English
Is diminutive of:Frances
Topics:Asteroid 821 Fanny, discovered 1916
US 2021 rank:not in the Top 1000; other popularity lists see below
Similarly written:Anny, Danny, Fanni, Anay, Andy, Ann, Anna, Anna, Anna, Anne     Details
Group info:

About Francis/Franziska, the group of names with the same origin as Fanny

Meaning/translation, female:little Frenchwoman
Meaning/translation, male:little Frenchman
Language of origin:Italian
Info about origin, male:originally a nickname Francesco (little frenchman) for Giovanni Bernardone, known as Saint Francis of Assisi
Words:francesco = the little frenchman  Italian
Topics:Short form
Variants' top ranks:1:Franz Austria 2015,  1:Francesco Italy 2017,  1:Francisco Portugal 2022,  3:Franciszek Warsaw 2016,  3:Francisca Brazil 2013,  4:Francis Philippines 2015,  4:Franziska Germany/East 1992,  4:Fanni Hungary 2003,  6:Francesca Italy 2004,  7:Françoise France 2011
Name variants:Fanni, Fannie, Fanny, Fran, Frances, Francesca, Franchesca, Francheska, Francine, Francisca, Françoise, Franzi, Fränzi, Franziska, Ferenc, Fran, Frana, Francesco, Francis, Francisco, Franciscus, Franciszek, François, Franjo, Frans, Frantisek, Franz, Franziskus, Paco, Pancho   Sortable list   Details

Popularity lists that contain the name Fanny

Belgium prevalence 2013 198
Ecuador prevalence 2013 32
England+Wales decades 1904 89
FranceGraph2008 92,  2007 75,  2006 77,  2005 74,  2004 66,  2003 58,  2002 56,  2001 51,  2000 49,  1999 48,  1998 48,  1997 42
SwedenGraph2009 93,  2008 81,  2007 72,  2006 71,  2005 61,  2004 57,  2003 49,  2002 45,  2001 41,  2000 36,  1999 31,  1998 27
Switzerland 1997 111
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