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Name Dion

Meaning:dedicated to DionysosTools:

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Name info:

About the name Dion in particular

Languages of use:German, French, English
Is short form of:Dionysius
US 2021 rank:not in the Top 1000; other popularity lists see below
Similarly written:Deion, Deon, Dian, Dian, Dian, Dior, Dior, Don, Gion, Ion     Details
Group info:

About Dennis/Denise, the group of names with the same origin as Dion

Meaning/translation:dedicated to Dionysos
Language of origin:Old Greek
Info about origin, male:from the Greek name Dionysios which means dedicated to Dionysos
 in Greek mythology Dionysos is the god of wine, a son of Zeus and Semele
 the name of the god consists of dios (of Zeus) and nysa, the name of a legendary mountain
 known from Saint Dionysius (3rd century AD), one of the 14 Holy Helpers
 the French city of Saint Denis is named after this saint
Words:dios = of Zeus  Old Greek
Topics:14 Holy Helpers, Greek mythology
Variants' top ranks:7:Dennis Germany/West 1986,  7:Denisa Romania 2009,  10:Dion Albania 2019,  13:Denis Romania 2009,  13:Dinis Portugal 2017,  26:Denise Austria/Vienna 2000,  77:Dénes Hungary 2002,  98:Denisse Mexico 2010,  472:Deon USA 1994,  693:Denisha USA 1994
Somehow related to:Sidney/Sidney, Zeus
Old/original forms:Dionysios Old Greek, Dionysius Latin
Name variants:Denice, Denisa, Denise, Denisha, Denisse, Dionisia, Dionne, Dénes, Denis, Dennis, Denny, Denys, Deon, Dinis, Dion, Dionigi, Dionisio, Dionte, Dionys, Dionysius   Sortable list   Details

Popularity lists that contain the name Dion

Albania 2019 10
SwitzerlandGraph2021 192,  2020 1542019 178,  2018 183,  2016 177,  2015 172,  2014 182
Switzerland/GermanGraph2022 194,  2021 145,  2020 128,  2019 134,  2018 162,  2016 144,  2015 143,  2014 139,  2013 115
USA decades 1990-1999 596
USA yearlyGraph2022 902,  2020 950,  2006 996,  2005 966,  2004 847,  2003 857,  2002 831,  2001 773,  2000 709,  1999 637,  1998 665,  1997 614,  1996 559,  1995 555,  1994 542,  1993 519
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