Name info: About the name Denice in particular | |
Group info: About Dennis/Denise, the group of names with the same origin as Denice | Meaning/translation: | dedicated to Dionysos |
Language of origin: | Old Greek |
Info about origin, male: | from the Greek name Dionysios which means dedicated to Dionysos |
| in Greek mythology Dionysos is the god of wine, a son of Zeus and Semele |
| the name of the god consists of dios (of Zeus) and nysa, the name of a legendary mountain |
| known from Saint Dionysius (3rd century AD), one of the 14 Holy Helpers |
| the French city of Saint Denis is named after this saint |
Words: | dios = of Zeus Old Greek |
Topics: | 14 Holy Helpers, Greek mythology |
Variants' top ranks: | 1:Deon Albania 2020, 7:Dennis Germany/West 1986, 7:Denisa Romania 2009, 10:Dion Albania 2019, 13:Denis Romania 2009, 13:Dinis Portugal 2017, 26:Denise Austria/Vienna 2000, 77:Dénes Hungary 2002, 98:Denisse Mexico 2010, 693:Denisha USA 1994 |
Somehow related to: | Sidney/Sidney, Zeus |
Old/original forms: | Dionysios Old Greek, Dionysius Latin |
Name variants: | Denice, Denisa, Denise, Denisha, Denisse, Dionisia, Dionne, Dénes, Denis, Dennis, Denny, Denys, Deon, Dinis, Dion, Dionigi, Dionisio, Dionte, Dionys, Dionysius Sortable list Details |