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Name Ondrej

Meaning:the manly, the braveTools:

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Name info:

About the name Ondrej in particular

In original script:Ondřej    As large picture
Languages of use:Czech
US 2021 rank:not in the Top 1000; other popularity lists see below
Similarly written:Andrej, Andre, André, Andrea, Andrea, Andréa, Andrée, Andrei, Andres, Andrés     Details
Group info:

About Andrew/Andrea, the group of names with the same origin as Ondrej

Meaning/translation, female:the brave
Meaning/translation, male:the manly, the brave
Language of origin:Old Greek
Info about origin, male:known as the name of Saint Andrew, apostle and brother of Peter
Words:andreios = male, manly, brave  Old Greek
Topics:12 Apostles, New Testament
Variants' top ranks:1:Andreas Norway 1997,  1:Andrea Iceland 2020,  1:Andrei Romania 2018,  1:Andria Georgia 2016,  2:Andreea Romania 2012,  3:Andrea Italy 2013,  3:Andrew England+Wales 1964,  3:Antero Finland 2014,  3:Andrzej Poland 2012,  4:Anders Sweden 2014
Old/original forms:Andreas Old Greek
Name variants:Andi, Andra, Andrea, Andréa, Andrée, Andreea, Andreia, Andria, Andriana, Andrina, Andrine, Ander, Anders, Andi, Andor, András, Andraz, Andre, André, Andrea, Andreas, Andrei, Andrej, Andres, Andrés, Andrew, Andrey, Andri, Andria, Andry, Andrzej, Andy, Antero, Antti, Drew, Dries, Jrue, Ondrej   Sortable list   Details

Popularity lists that contain the name Ondrej

CzechiaGraph2022 14,  2019 11,  2018 9,  2017 9,  2016 5,  2015 11,  2014 8,  2013 8,  2012 6,  2011 10,  2010 6,  2009 7,  2008 5
Czechia prevalence 2015 20