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Name Jrue

Meaning:the manly, the braveTools:

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About the name Jrue in particular

Languages of use:English
US 2021 rank:not in the Top 1000; other popularity lists see below
Similarly written:Crue, True     Details
Group info:

About Andrew/Andrea, the group of names with the same origin as Jrue

Meaning/translation, female:the brave
Meaning/translation, male:the manly, the brave
Language of origin:Old Greek
Info about origin, male:known as the name of Saint Andrew, apostle and brother of Peter
Words:andreios = male, manly, brave  Old Greek
Topics:12 Apostles, New Testament
Variants' top ranks:1:Andreas Norway 1997,  1:Andrea Iceland 2020,  1:Andrei Romania 2023,  1:Andria Georgia 2016,  2:Andreea Romania 2012,  3:Andrea Italy 2013,  3:Andrew England+Wales 1964,  3:Antero Finland 2014,  3:Andrzej Poland 2012,  4:Anders Sweden 2014
Old/original forms:Andreas Old Greek
Name variants:Andi, Andie, Andra, Andrea, Andréa, Andrée, Andreea, Andreia, Andria, Andriana, Andrina, Andrine, Ander, Anders, Andi, Andor, András, Andraz, Andre, André, Andrea, Andreas, Andréas, Andrei, Andrej, Andres, Andrés, Andrew, Andrey, Andri, Andria, Andry, Andrzej, Andy, Antero, Antti, Drew, Dries, Jrue, Ondrej   Sortable list   Details

Popularity lists that contain the name Jrue

USA yearlyGraph2023 8972022 902