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Name Natalee

Meaning:born on ChristmasTools:

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About the name Natalee in particular

Languages of use:English
US 2021 rank:not in the Top 1000; other popularity lists see below
Similarly written:Natale, Natalie, Natálie, Adalee, Azalee, Natalia, Natalía, Natália, Nataly, Natalya     Details
Group info:

About Noel/Natalie, the group of names with the same origin as Natalee

Meaning/translation, female:born on Christmas
Meaning/translation, male:born on Christmas
Language of origin:Latin
Info about origin, male:from the Latin expression dies natalis (day of birth) which Christians understand as the birthday of Jesus
 the meaning is thus born on the birthday of Jesus i.e. Christmas
 noël is also the common French word for Christmas
Words:natalis = the birthday  Latin
 noël = the Christmas  French
Topics:Everyday word, New Testament
Variants' top ranks:1:Noel Albania 2019,  2:Nathalie France 2011,  2:Natálie Czechia 2009,  4:Natalia Warsaw 2009,  6:Natália Slovakia 2022,  13:Natalie USA 2008,  14:Natalía Iceland 2010,  20:Noelia Madrid 1998,  27:Natasja Denmark 2001,  28:Natasha England+Wales 1994
Old/original forms:Natalis Latin, Nouel Old French
Name variants:Natacha, Natale, Natalee, Natalia, Natalía, Natália, Natalie, Natálie, Natalija, Natalina, Nataly, Natalya, Natasa, Natascha, Natasha, Natasja, Nathalia, Nathália, Nathalie, Nathaly, Noel, Noelia, Noelie, Noelle, Noëlle, Tasha, Tashina, Noel, Noël   Sortable list   Details

Popularity lists that contain the name Natalee

USA yearlyGraph2015 960,  2014 832,  2013 683,  2012 646,  2011 565,  2010 543,  2009 527,  2008 545,  2007 619,  2006 507,  2005 5072004 912,  2003 917