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Name Britt

Meaning:the exalted oneTools:

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Name info:

About the name Britt in particular

Languages of use:Dutch
Is short form of:Brigitta
US 2021 rank:not in the Top 1000; other popularity lists see below
Similarly written:Brett, Bríet, Brita, Britta, Gritt, Aritz, Berit, Birgitt, Brant, Brent     Details
Group info:

About Bridget, the group of names with the same origin as Britt

Meaning/translation:the exalted one
Language of origin:Celtic
Info about origin:in Irish mythology Brighid was the goddess of fire
 Saint Brigid is a patron saint of Ireland
Words:briganti = exalted, divine  Celtic
Variants' top ranks:4:Bríet Iceland 2020,  6:Brigitte Austria 2015,  6:Britt Netherlands 2002,  7:Birgitta Sweden 2014,  9:Birta Iceland 2013,  11:Berit Norway 2015,  22:Birgit Germany 2005,  23:Birthe Greenland 2011,  24:Riitta Finland 2014,  49:Brigitta Hungary 2002
Somehow related to:Brian/Brianna
Old/original forms:Brighid Old Irish, Brigid Old Irish
Name variants:Berit, Bibi, Birgid, Birgit, Birgitt, Birgitta, Birta, Birte, Birthe, Bridget, Bridgett, Bridgette, Bríet, Brigid, Brigida, Brigitta, Brigitte, Brita, Britt, Britta, Gitta, Gitte, Piritta, Pirjo, Pirkko, Riitta   Sortable list   Details

Popularity lists that contain the name Britt

BelgiumGraph2007 89,  2006 59,  2005 39,  2004 23
NetherlandsGraph2011 39,  2010 30,  2009 22,  2008 24,  2006 18,  2004 12,  2003 8,  2002 62001 17
Sweden prevalence 2014 62
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