Name info: About the name Birta in particular | Gender: | female |
Languages of use: | Scandinavian, Icelandic |
Is short form of: | Birgitta |
US 2021 rank: | not in the Top 1000; other popularity lists see below |
Similarly written: | Berta, Birna, Birte, Mirta, Arta, Barna, Bart, Beata, Bert, Berte Details |
Group info: About Bridget, the group of names with the same origin as Birta | Meaning/translation: | the exalted one |
Language of origin: | Celtic |
Info about origin: | in Irish mythology Brighid was the goddess of fire |
| Saint Brigid is a patron saint of Ireland |
Words: | briganti = exalted, divine Celtic |
Topics: | Religion |
Variants' top ranks: | 4:Bríet Iceland 2020, 6:Brigitte Austria 2015, 6:Britt Netherlands 2002, 7:Birgitta Sweden 2014, 9:Birta Iceland 2013, 11:Berit Norway 2015, 22:Birgit Germany 2005, 23:Birthe Greenland 2011, 24:Riitta Finland 2014, 49:Brigitta Hungary 2002 |
Somehow related to: | Brian/Brianna |
Old/original forms: | Brighid Old Irish, Brigid Old Irish |
Name variants: | Berit, Bibi, Birgid, Birgit, Birgitt, Birgitta, Birta, Birte, Birthe, Bridget, Bridgett, Bridgette, Bríet, Brigid, Brigida, Brigitta, Brigitte, Brita, Britt, Britta, Gitta, Gitte, Piritta, Pirjo, Pirkko, Riitta Sortable list Details |