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Name Finley

Meaning:white warriorTools:

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Name info:

About the name Finley in particular

Languages of use:English, Scottish, Irish
US 2021 rank:#265     ... 263:Maximus, 264:Omar, 265:Finley, 266:Atticus, 267:Crew ...     Full US 2021 list
Similarly written:Finley, Finlay, Finnley, Kinley, Tinley, Ainsley, Brinley, Findlay, Henley, Kenley     Details
Group info:

About Fionnlagh/Finley, the group of names with the same origin as Finley

Meaning/translation:white warrior
Language of origin:Old Irish
Words:fionn = white, fair (in the sense of light-colored, blond)  Old Irish
 laogh = the warrior  Old Irish
Variants' top ranks:6:Finlay Scotland 2021,  16:Finley England+Wales 2020,  129:Findlay Scotland 2014,  159:Finley USA 2017,  593:Finnley USA 2021
Name variants:Finley, Findlay, Finlay, Finley, Finnley, Fionnlagh   Sortable list   Details

Popularity lists that contain the name Finley

CanadaGraph2022 172,  2021 169
England+WalesGraph2022 21,  2021 19,  2020 162019 27,  2018 30,  2017 31,  2016 35,  2015 36,  2014 36,  2013 34,  2012 34,  2011 34,  2010 35,  2009 43,  2008 43,  2007 47,  2006 60,  2005 66,  2004 70,  2003 83,  2002 93
England+Wales decadesGraph2014 362004 70
New Zealand 2022 81
ScotlandGraph2022 100,  2021 97,  2020 882019 136,  2018 159,  2017 172,  2016 153,  2015 176,  2014 160,  2013 159,  2012 191,  2009 186
USA yearlyGraph2022 281,  2021 2652020 304,  2019 287,  2018 273,  2017 278,  2016 287,  2015 326,  2014 373,  2013 483,  2012 547,  2011 510,  2010 597,  2009 718,  2008 823,  2007 790,  2006 890
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