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Name Breann

Origin:From a Celtic word for hillTools:

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Name info:

About the name Breann in particular

Languages of use:English
US 2021 rank:not in the Top 1000; other popularity lists see below
Similarly written:Breana, Breanna, Breanne, Brana, Brand, Brant, Brea, Brenna, Brennan, Brennen     Details
Group info:

About Brian/Brianna, the group of names with the same origin as Breann

Language of origin:Celtic
Info about origin, female:female form coined only recently, popular only since around 1970
Info about origin, male:with a Celtic origin (Irish or Breton), but meaning not known for certain
 known from Brian Bóroimhe, a national hero of Ireland (10th century AD)
Words:bryn = the hill  Celtic
Variants' top ranks:1:Brihanna Jamaica 2008,  4:Brian England+Wales 1934,  4:Brianna Jamaica 2011,  5:Briana Peru 2017,  25:Bryan Ecuador 2013,  38:Brayan Mexico 2008,  74:Breanna USA 1999,  87:Brájen Hungary 2021,  175:Bria USA 1993,  235:Brenna USA 1995
Somehow related to:Bridget, Bryant
Name variants:Brea, Breana, Breann, Breanna, Breanne, Brenna, Breonna, Bria, Briana, Brianna, Brianne, Brihanna, Brionna, Bryana, Bryanna, Brájen, Brayan, Brian, Bryan, Bryon   Sortable list   Details

Popularity lists that contain the name Breann

USA decades 1990-1999 726
USA yearlyGraph1999 996,  1998 953,  1997 849,  1996 7081995 725,  1994 853,  1993 758