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Name Abbigail

Meaning:my father rejoices, joy of my fatherTools:

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Name info:

About the name Abbigail in particular

Languages of use:German, English
US 2021 rank:not in the Top 1000; other popularity lists see below
Similarly written:Abigail, Abagail, Abegail     Details
Group info:

About Abigail, the group of names with the same origin as Abbigail

Meaning/translation:my father rejoices, joy of my father
Language of origin:Hebrew
Info about origin:in the Bible Abigail is the wife of king David
Words:ab = the father  Hebrew
 giyl = the joy, the rejoice  Hebrew
Topics:Old Testament
Variants' top ranks:4:Abigail USA 2005,  13:Abbie Scotland 2004,  34:Abby Scotland 2003,  35:Abbey Australia/NSW 2002,  52:Abigél Hungary 2022,  70:Gail England+Wales 1964,  77:Abi Scotland 2007,  91:Abbi Scotland 2004,  97:Gaëlle France 1998,  457:Abbigail USA 2009
Old/original forms:Abigajil Hebrew, Awigajil Hebrew
Name variants:Abagail, Abbey, Abbi, Abbie, Abbigail, Abby, Abegail, Abi, Abigail, Abigale, Abigayle, Abigél, Gaëlle, Gail, Gayle   Sortable list   Details

Popularity lists that contain the name Abbigail

USA decades 1990-1999 953
USA yearlyGraph2014 857,  2013 745,  2012 621,  2011 513,  2010 505,  2009 4572008 509,  2007 495,  2006 490,  2005 502,  2004 519,  2003 515,  2002 484,  2001 505,  2000 550,  1999 614,  1998 612,  1997 693,  1996 760,  1995 842