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Name Abbi

Meaning:my father rejoices, joy of my fatherTools:

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Name info:

About the name Abbi in particular

Languages of use:English
Is short form of:Abigail
US 2021 rank:not in the Top 1000; other popularity lists see below
Similarly written:Abbie, Abby, Abi     Details
Group info:

About Abigail, the group of names with the same origin as Abbi

Meaning/translation:my father rejoices, joy of my father
Language of origin:Hebrew
Info about origin:in the Bible Abigail is the wife of king David
Words:ab = the father  Hebrew
 giyl = the joy, the rejoice  Hebrew
Topics:Old Testament
Variants' top ranks:1:Abigaíl Dominican Republic 2022,  4:Abigail USA 2005,  13:Abbie Scotland 2004,  34:Abby Scotland 2003,  35:Abbey Australia/NSW 2002,  39:Abigél Hungary 2023,  70:Gail England+Wales 1964,  77:Abi Scotland 2007,  91:Abbi Scotland 2004,  97:Gaëlle France 1998
Old/original forms:Abigajil Hebrew, Awigajil Hebrew
Name variants:Abagail, Abbey, Abbi, Abbie, Abbigail, Abby, Abegail, Abi, Abigail, Abigaíl, Abigale, Abigayle, Abigél, Gaëlle, Gail, Gayle   Sortable list   Details

Popularity lists that contain the name Abbi

ScotlandGraph2008 176,  2004 91