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Name Domenico

Meaning:belonging to the lordTools:

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About the name Domenico in particular

Languages of use:Italian
Short forms:Domenic
US 2021 rank:not in the Top 1000; other popularity lists see below
Similarly written:Domenic, Domenica, Domenik, Domenika, Dominic, Dominica, Dominick     Details
Group info:

About Dominic/Dominika, the group of names with the same origin as Domenico

Meaning/translation:belonging to the lord
Language of origin:Latin
Info about origin, male:known from Saint Dominic, the founder of the Dominican order of friars (13th century AD)
 traditionally used for children born on a Sunday
Words:dominicus = belonging to the Lord  Latin
 dominus = the lord, the master  Latin
Topics:New Testament
Variants' top ranks:1:Dominik Hungary 2022,  3:Dominykas Lithuania 2017,  4:Domenica Ecuador 2014,  9:Dominiks Latvia 2022,  19:Domnik Slovakia 2021,  22:Dominika Warsaw 2008,  22:Dominga Chile 2020,  34:Dominic Switzerland/German 1999,  38:Dominique Chile 2012,  41:Domen Slovenia 2012
Old/original forms:Dominicus Latin, Dominikus German
Name variants:Domenica, Domenika, Dominga, Dominica, Dominika, Dominique, Dominque, Domonique, Mengia, Dom, Domek, Domen, Domenic, Domenico, Domenik, Domenique, Domingo, Dominic, Dominick, Dominik, Dominiks, Dominique, Dominque, Dominykas, Domnik, Domonique, Domonkos   Sortable list   Details

Popularity lists that contain the name Domenico

ItalyGraph2022 49,  2020 49,  2019 462018 48,  2017 48,  2016 48,  2015 49,  2014 48
Switzerland 1997 332